Essay on exploring alternative of oil fuel
Exploring alternative of oil fuel
In our everyday life, we like to drive cars, bikes to reach faster to our destinations. However have we ever imagined that that overall reserve of oil is getting depleted due to excessive consumption of oil fuels?
In terms of science, certain alternatives that be can use instead of using oil fuel can be solar power, nuclear means of power, ethanol, or wind power.
These are safe and are almost in all places, present in abundance. Hence one does not have to worry about the depletion of such reserves that might deplete the overall reserve present in world and make it absent for future generations.
For example solar power and wind power are excellent sources of power and they can be utilized and used effectively.
Energy resources in modern times of today are mostly depending on non-renewable resources. So, it has become important to work on the alternative energy sources.
Alternative sources that are environment friendly also reduce the dependency on non renewable resources. Energy produced from the hydroelectricity is one of the alternative resources; solar energy and wind energy are other form of energy that is Eco-friendly.
In order to attain alternative energy resources it is important to build new plans including the technologies. Workforce and investment are also a matter of concern that should be dealt with for adapting alternative energy sources.