English, asked by thegeniousoneSiddhi, 1 year ago

ESSAY ON FASHION plzzzzzzzzzzzz give


Answered by RAJdba
Fashion refers to the manner of doing something. Fashion also denotes style, a dress and hair and dealings with others. Among students, the word primarily conveys the sense with regard to ‘dress and hair styles.’

These days, students devote more time to fashions than to studies. Educational institutions and, particularly colleges, present the picture of film studios. As soon as a boy or a girl joins a college, there occurs a marvelous change in him or her. Simplicity takes wings and there comes ostentation in its place. Their gait is changed; their way of conversation assumes a different modulation and their behaviour gets stricken with artificiality. They strut like peacocks and fly like butterflies.
Generally, it is the student-community alone leads the fast-changing fashions. Once a thing or style gets in vogue, it is blindly followed by the students, notwithstanding how much inconvenience it entails. These days, boys, who by birth, are expected to be hardy and rough, look pale, tender and delicate. They apply all sorts of cosmetics which were formerly used by the fair-sex alone. The way they dress their hair or the way they get their tight trousers or gaudy shirts stitched, or the way they walk with their necks craned forward appears ridiculous. But they are indifferent to all sense of decency. They must follow the fashions of film actors whether they can afford them or not.

In the race of fashions, girls have not lagged behind. Rather they have gone a step ahead of the boys. They wear ‘sack shirts’  and trousers. Their hair-styles give them an untidy and shabby look. Blindly they indulge in the foot-steps of the film actresses. Every fashion within limits is praise-worthy but when all limits are crossed, it results in many evils. Students should stop such recklessness in imitating fashions. Modesty and simplicity in their dress and habits should be the fashion trend.

Going to movie theater indiscriminately has also become a fashion among the students. The theme of a movie may be worthless but they must go to see it even if they have to play truant from college. English movies may be beyond their comprehension but these have become a craze with the student-community. Our society does not allow us to follow certain scenes which are exhibited in the movies. As a result, students, in the formative years of their lives, go astray. They while away their own precious time and squander away the money of their parents.

Another fashion rampant among students is to go on strike over trifles. They have forgotten that, as students, they should not clamor for ‘rights’ but try to acquire knowledge whole-heartedly and with single minded devotion. Their duty is to amass the wealth of learning and not to flatter themselves about false sense of self-respect.

It is a pity that modern students are caught deliberately in the whirl-pool of fashions. To make a noise in functions, to pass remarks on others, to discuss politics and to raise parties are, in a way, their fashionable pastimes. They forget everything else but always remember ‘misleading fashions

thegeniousoneSiddhi: thanxxxxxx
thegeniousoneSiddhi: very much
RAJdba: plzz mark it brainliest
thegeniousoneSiddhi: nonsense
thegeniousoneSiddhi: nonsense
thegeniousoneSiddhi: nonsense
thegeniousoneSiddhi: nonsense
RAJdba: name is thegeniousone bit I don't think there is a thread of brain in your .......
RAJdba: if it's nonsense then y did you thank
RAJdba: ..........
Answered by Anonymous


Fashion is definitely an integral part of our society. People have always paid much attention to clothes and their appearance. Firstly, clothes served to protect our bodies from the effect of the natural environment whereas people can hardly resist cold and heat. With the run of time, clothes began fulfilling other functions. The social function is the most important one. People of different social classes began wearing different types of clothes. It became easy to notice an external difference between a nobleman and a peasant or merchant. Of course, the difference depended on the price of the clothes. Rich people or aristocracy could afford high-quality and expensive fabrics while the poor could only dream about such products. Very soon, people began thinking about the beauty of their clothes. Doubtless, this idea existed in the circles of the rich. Honorable men and women paid much money to the designers who created fancy dresses, trousers, coats, shoes and hats. The image of a fashionable person became emphasized with the help of numerous accessories, like scarves and handkerchiefs. Frankly speaking, the general idea of charming and alluring clothes has not disappeared. Fashion still plays a very considerable role in our life.

Let us focus on the oldest and the primary function of fashion. People have always tried to differ from one another. No wonder, the representatives of different occupations wear different clothes. For example, it is easy to recognize a doctor, a sailor, a butcher, a carpenter, a judge, a policeman, etc. Clothes determines our social status. When one wears beautiful clothes, he is treated more positively than the ordinary person. It is not a secret that people use good suits and dresses for their benefit. For instance, if you decide to find a job, you had better come in a quality and neat suit. In this case, you will be accepted better. There is a proverb – A man is judged by his clothes. If an applicant wears good clothes, he will probably receive the job. Unluckily, you will not get the workplace if your clothes is shabby and dirty. Finally, our clothes emphasizes our social status. Rich people try to wear expensive suits in order to maintain their image. As they say – A true gentleman would rather have his clothes torn than mended. It means that rich people will give all money to obtain fashionable and quality clothes that emphasizes their richness and status.

It is possible to say that fashion is a kind of art. Designers create admirable and uncommon clothes that can emphasize one’s social position and value accurately. Very often, fashionable clothes can be worn in the exclusive situations. You will hardly wear a designer’s suit to go to the nearest supermarket or office. Moreover, designers often produce such items that become very popular among common people. We should admit that every item of your wardrobe was fashionable in its time.

Fashion is a very dynamic phenomenon. Designers change the dominant colors and cuts every year. Sometimes, the innovations and changes are so radical and unexpected that it is hard to evaluate a new item positively. In fact, from the psychological point of view, people who wear ‘challenging’ fashionable clothes do not suffer from the opinion of the third people. They wear extraordinary dresses because they can and they do not care about the point of view of others. They are self-sufficient and confident.

On the other hand, there are several disadvantages of fashion. The initial problem is the need for novelty. When one buys trousers or hat, he thinks that these items are great until they become ‘unfashionable’. Some people have got used to the rapid tempo of fashion. They know that an item can be fashionable for several months. Then, it becomes out-of-date and weird. When you depend on fashion and its laws, you have to change your wardrobe frequently. Without question, it consumes much money. In addition, people purchase many unnecessary items that obstruct and overload your home. The need for new clothes without reason looks like a psychological disorder.

Another weak side of fashion is the state of conformity. Very often, designers release very specific items, the quality and beauty of which can be easily questioned. However, when a celebrity or any other reputed person approves this item, it becomes fashionable. People do not believe to their own feelings and eyes but follow the subjective characteristic of a notable personality. Thus, people decide to conform to the opinions of others and buy expensive fashionable clothes eagerly.

Fashion is a specific phenomenon that has its strong and weak sides. In fact, if you want to look perfectly, you should find your own style. It is not necessary to be modish. Common jeans and a shirt can suit you better than a fancy dress.

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