Essay on fear of examination
The fear of examinations saps the examinees courage. The bright as well as the weak examinees generally tremble with the unexpected fear on the night before the examination. The night before the examination is a test of the examinees fortitude and endurance. They prepare the selected questions holding their breath. The brilliant ones are apprehensive of possible poor performance which will ruin their academic career. The best prepared are frightened to imagine in the forthcoming question paper a few questions they will not be able to answer to their satisfaction. They want to prepare all questions and leave nothing to chance. What will happen if they leave out some questions .Even the mighty students become weak when they think of the possible tragedy that may befall them.
Uncertainty of the result upsets brilliant student and the idea of failure makes nervous the poor ones. The average students are the luckiest among all. They are neither ambitious nor nervous. They take as plucked. The average dunces eat, drink and remain merry. They don’t burn midnight oil like the bright ones, and don’t face the failure like the poor ones. They are border line cases. They pass if they mugged up questions. They fail if the questions are differently set. They neither curse their stars nor the examiners.
Fear is a paralysing emotion. It restricts all kinds of efforts, creativity and all kinds of ventures that one thinks of achieving. But with the help of grit, determination and hard work, fear can be conquered. William Douglas proved this. He chased away his fear of water by first psychoanalysing it and then treating it in a systematic manner. After his misadventure at YMCA pool, Douglas has developed hydrophobia. In spite of that, he hired a professional trainer and learnt swimming step by step. Due to his strong willpower and rigorous practice, Douglas was made a swimmer by the trainer. But even now Douglas was not satisfied and set a higher benchmark for his perfection and devised various tests and situations to defeat the fear in all forms. Thus, ultimately, Douglas was able to overpower his fear of water completely and became an expert swimmer.