essay on flood in English 1 paragraph
Floods are caused when water bodies overflow their banks or when usually dry land gets inundated by water.
Floods may Occur in Water Bodies and on Land
Floods are caused due to many factors. Water bodies get flooded when the rains are heavy and continuous. The water level then rises beyond safe levels, and water overflows the banks of the water bodies. This may also cause land to get flooded with water.
In modern cities floods occur because of poor drainage systems. A city’s drains get choked when there is a heavy rain. Drains that are already clogged with plastic and garbage get further choked. As a consequence the rain water that accumulates on the roads and streets of the city, without getting drained off, causes a flood.
Floods may be caused due to ecological destruction because of man-made activities such as deforestation. Trees help in binding the soil. When trees are felled the soil becomes loose and gets washed away easily in the rain. This results in silting of water bodies, and consequently in flooding when there are heavy and continuous rains. Floods usually occur in the monsoon season. Floods may also occur in other seasons if there is a cloud burst and heavy downpour of rain. In coastal areas where there are mangrove forests, the clearing of these forests causes the natural protection mechanism against floods to breakdown.
Floods Result in Loss of Life and Property
Flood causes much damage to life and property. Floods may enter homes, and cause destruction of life and property when rivers and lakes get flooded, and enter into towns and cities nearby. Man and other life forms may perish in a flood.
Fishermen and their families, who work and live near water bodies, are at a risk when there are floods in the water bodies. Floods may wash away the fishermen and their homes. Sometimes there may not be any human casualties, but there may be a lot of loss of property if the huts are washed away in a flood.
Weather Forecasting May Be Used To Predict a Flood
With technological advancement there are increased weather forecasting facilities. These can be helpful as fishermen as also inhabited areas in coastal regions can be forewarned of impending floods. Evacuation of people living near sea coasts and banks of water bodies is carried out when forecasts reveal an imminent flood. This can help in saving human lives. Weather forecasting also helps in warning tourists not to go to the sea or rivers if a flood is expected.
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