essay on freedom with accountability
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A person may acquire freedom, but he has not fulfilled responsibility and this may keep grief inside him.The Responsibility of Freedom Today’s world is full of choices. In our highly advanced modern society our choices are complicated by new moral and ethical issues each day. Is it possible to lead a moral and ethical life in today’s society? Ethics and morals are learned from the people we are raised by, not necessarily parents. Teachers, environment and almost everyone around a child leave an impression. Today in our morally chaotic world it is more important than ever for children to be taught morals. I believe that people are innately good and that it takes time and bad influences to make them bad. Children need to be taught at an early age the parameters set by their society and the consequences of their actions.
Freedom is realizing this bondage; these chains with which our response ability have been tied. Freedom is freeing it from the imprisonment of notions, views, biases and formed impressions of everything. When our power of responding is in our own hands, solely controlled by us, by the views that we have formed after exploring and experimenting with things, then we allow ourselves to be free. And we allow ourselves to approach things in our own way. Then we have complete responsibility for what we do.
'Freedom' the depth of the meaning of this small word isn't measurable.
Better known as independency, Freedom is to be free to do anything and every has the right to do what he or she wills to do.
The one who takes away the freedom of a person is known as a deminator and the one who gets imprisoned in his traps is known as a slave.
Our ancestors fought for freedom against The Muslims and later The British without concerning about themselves, just for our freedom and for the freedom for our country. This state is mind for the country is called patriotism.
Every person, especially every Indian has the fundamental right to do what he/she wills to do and if anyone tries to take anyone freedom orthe right to freedom, he /she could be life imprisoned or sentenced to death.