English, asked by negianurag8524, 11 months ago

Essay on fruits in English


Answered by Anonymous
There was no limit to how much fruit they ate; as long as only fruit was consumed, exam scores saw a significant improvement (Fruit and). 
Different fruits require different storage arrangements to get the best use out of them without becoming wasteful. For example, apples stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag stay crisper and keep more of the nutrients helpful to the body. While apples store better in the refrigerator, bananas keep better in a fruit bowl at room temperature. Bananas kept in the refrigerator will only turn black from decay; they will not ripen. After decay begins, the banana loses the nutrients desired. Although some fruits keep freshness better either in the refrigerator or at room temperature, some fruits do not lose nutritious value either way. Most citrus fruits fall into this category. 
Answered by Anonymous


Explanation:Eating fruits brings many benefits to the body because of the necessary elements and nutritional value, it is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and a lot of minerals.

A study found that people who eat fruits  daily  increase their immunity  and lack of chances of infection with many diseases.

One of the characteristics of fruits is that they contain a few calories, This means they are useful in slimming and weight loss programs and reduce body fat percentage.They also contain a high amount of fiber that treats constipation and indigestion.

Other essential nutrients include: Potassium, which prevents blood pressure, reduces the chances of kidney stones. As for vitamin C, most fruits contain a high percentage of it, it is important in the prevention of influenza, and in the construction and repair of damaged body tissues, and has an important role in facilitating the absorption of iron from food, and thus protects against anemia.

Some types of fruit also contain folic acid, which prevents birth defects, protects the fetus, and builds red blood cells. The fruits contain many antioxidants of high importance to the body and can be listed as available in each color of fruit.

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