Essay on gender bias in India 500 words
Gender discrimination in India means health education economic and political discrimination between men and women. today today our country offers a lot of opportunities to women with women having a voice everyday business is world as well as in political life. nevertheless India is still a male dominated country where women are of 10 women are seen as subordinate and injurious to man. even throw India is moving always from the male dominated culture discrimination is still highly visible in ruler as well as urban areas throughout each and every state of society. according to the globe map report realised by world economy forms in 2015 India was rank did 108 on gender gap scale among 145 countries when broken down in two components of gender gap India performs well on political Empire Empire mint but it scared sex selectivity abortion. India also scared poorly on overall literacy and health ranking of female India with 2015 ranking of 108 had and overall score of 0.6 64 vahil Iceland topped the list with an overall 0.87. various parrot legislation has been passed by the Parliament to eliminate explanation of women and to give them equal status in society. the Government of India has taken steps and fast various access to ensure gender equality in our country. further government has launched some schemes like Beti Bachao Beti padhao Kasturba Gandhi ki Vidyalaya. mother and child tracking system. the Indira Gandhi e Mrityu School Yojana to lossen the gender discrimination. we hope that our democracy government would be able do Find solution to the problem of gender discriminationand would take us all towards the cherirhed dream of a truly modern society in both thought and action