English, asked by anjali790, 1 year ago

essay on global warming 150 word's​


Answered by hishmah


HEY MATE !!!!!!!!!   :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


"Reduce Green House gases emission to Reduce Global warming"

Global warming is the increase in the average surface temperature of the Earth and its atmosphere.It is caused due to increase of green house gases like CO2, Methane Gas, NO2 gases. CFC's etc.

  Global warming is caused due to increasing rate of deforestation and emission of green house gases. These green house gases trap the heat and it results in the increase in earth's temperature.

  Well!! Global warming has a lot of impact like melting of glaciers, Climate change ,There will be increase in sea level which results in Floods .Water cycle will be effected and It willl have a ever lasting effect on Human Health like Change in climate leads to Tropical diseases such as Malaria,Dengue etc...

  Its the duty of every Indian Citizen to Stop Global warming by Following steps :

-->Plant More trees as trees helps in regulating the earth's  temperature.

-->Reduce the usage of Papers and Recycle the paper.

--->Switch over to Renewable sources of energy like Sunlight, Geo thermal energy, Tidal energy and wind energy instead of Fossil fuels

.--->Try to avoid vehicles for every day work. use Public transport like Bus, train etc.-

-->Sharing of car should be made as a practice while going to office.


By this we can save Our money at the same time we contribute in reducing Global warming.

Hope it's helpful !! :)


Answered by KhushiSisodia


Global warming is the increase in the average surface temperature of the Earth and its atmosphere.It is caused due to increase of green house gases like CO2, Methane Gas, NO2 gases. CFC's etc.

   Global warming is caused due to increasing rate of deforestation and emission of green house gases. These green house gases trap the heat and it results in the increase in earth's temperature. 

   Well!! Global warming has a lot of impact like melting of glaciers, Climate change ,There will be increase in sea level which results in Floods .Water cycle will be effected and It willl have a ever lasting effect on Human Health like Change in climate leads to Tropical diseases such as Malaria,Dengue etc...

   Its the duty of every Indian Citizen to Stop Global warming by Following steps :

-->Plant More trees as trees helps in regulating the earth's  temperature.

-->Reduce the usage of Papers and Recycle the paper.

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