English, asked by tauheed2020, 1 year ago

essay on global warming in 200 words with headings.


Answered by OliviaJoy

Global warming is the ultimate rise in the atmospheric temperature which is caused by the some natural processes or some man-made causes. The most important cause of the global warming is the cutting of the plants and increasing level of burning of fossil fuels. Other reason of global warming is regular climate change cycles which repeat over a period time. From the creation of the earth the cycle of cooling and cycle of warming continues till now. However, global warming is also increasing by the some man-made causes which need us to worry about and start prevention methods.

Methane greenhouse gas is another cause which is released from the animals like cattle. Wetlands and tundra geography also contributes to release of this gas into the atmosphere which in turn traps heat and causes increase in warming of planet. Solar cycles, sunspots and rotation of the earth are also some natural causes of the global warming. In this, planet warms naturally without human efforts and contributions. Because of the sun spots and solar flares, earth temperature increase does warm up some but this is usually temporary, and when the solar cycle cools off so does the earth. However it is temporary and causes cooling in another cycle. Volcanoes are also a natural cause of increasing global warming.

OliviaJoy: mark as brainliest
Anonymous: hey plz don't copy man
Anonymous: it's against brainly rules
tauheed2020: by including heading
Anonymous: heading means what u want
tauheed2020: hedings like-Introdruction, conclusion
Anonymous: like introducing myself
tauheed2020: no like introducing the essay
Answered by Anonymous

here's ur answer frnd!!!

first of all introduction to global warming and it's meaning:-

the temperature of Earth's atmosphere is increasing slowly year wise year due to the increase of green house gases. it is called global warming. over past 100 years, people are burning fossil fuels and thereby millions of tons of carbon dioxide is realeasd.

in today's world, there are so many big problems we have to face and global warming is one of those problems. the green house gases like carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide and other pollutants do not allow all the radiation from the earth to escape back into space. due to the trapping of sun radiations by the green house gases the temperature of the earth increases. it is called green house effect.


→ human activities like deforestation and burning of woods, cow dung cakes and many other fuels. because of these the level of green house gases in the atmosphere increase.

→ these green house gases traps the green house gases and it increases the temperature of Earth's surface thus causes global warming.

→ factories, power plants and smoke of vehicles also produce many pollutants which can cause global warming.


→ the temperature of Earth is becoming more warmer and warmer. this causes more water to evaporate. we know that water vapour is also a good absorber of heat. this cause the earth's temperature even hot.

→ for this very hot climate, it's causing damage in nature like many animals and birds are dying because of this climate.

→ as the temperature is increasing, the ice and snow of the polar regions are melting. this is causing the sea to over flow. thus the cities and areas near oceans are submerged under sea. many islands may be vanish or it's vanishing.


global warming can be prevented by following the following methods:-

→ we should plant more and more trees. as trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen so it will help to reduce greenhouse gases.

→ we can use public transport instead of going alone in a car. it will cause less pollution and also helps to reduce greenhouse gases.

→ we should recycle things as less plastic will be used. in today's world mostly all things are made with plastic and it's a non eco friendly thing so it's very harmful.

hope this will help u..!!


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