essay on gold in English
Gold is a soft, dense, yellow metal. It is a chemical element. Its chemical symbol is Au. Its atomic number is 79. As a precious metal, it has been used for many thousands of years by people all over the world, for jewelry, and as money. Gold is important because it is rare, but also easier to use than other rare metals. It is also used to repair and replace teeth and in electronic equipment such as computers. The color of this metal is also called gold.
Mining methods for gold are similar to other metals. Gold is so valued that the discovery of a new place to mine has sometimes caused a gold rush. The deepest workplaces for miners in the world are in South African gold mines.
Often, gold is found as a native metal. This means it is not part of an ore, and does not need smelting. It may be in large, pure nuggets but more often must be separated from other minerals and soil.
Most of the gold on Earth is deep inside the Earth's core because it is dense. Nearly all discovered gold was deposited on the surface by meteorites
Gold is very precious metal, serves as the most vital element in international transaction and larger portion of gold is used in monetary systems. Gold occurs in India in quartz veins or reefs of quartz traversing igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rocks.
More often it gets liberated by weathering and particles of gold get concentrated in rivers and streams and at certain places, such deposits are known as ‘placer such deposits are known as “placer deposits’ from which gold is recovered by panning.
The principal sources of this precious metal in India, however are the quartz reefs traversing the Dharwar rocks of Kolar district (Karnataka) which are auriferous at a few places?
A small quantity produced at the Hutti mines in Raichur district is released for Industrial purposes through State Bank of India. The main problem with the Hutti mines is the low grade of ore quartz veins and lenses in the Dharwad schists including hornblendic and chloritic schists and amphibolites, contain most of the country’s reserves of gold ore.
A large quantity of gold is used in the country for the manufacutre of jewellary, dentistry and decorative articles. There are three important fields in the country namely Kolar Gold Fields, Kolar district, Hutti Gold Field in Anantpur district (Andhra Pradesh). Total in situ reserves of gold ore are estimated at 22.4 million tonnes, with 116.50 tonnes of metal.