English, asked by atiquequreshi7oyyyad, 1 year ago

Essay on good deeds will always be remembered with example


Answered by aiza2
I think that depends on your definition of good deeds and your definition of famous. If by famous, you mean that a person will be remembered for their deed then I would say it's possible. I don't think that a person who does good deeds will necessarily end up on the news or remembered by people uninvolved in the situation. It is possible that the people who are invovled might not even remember by name, but they will likely remember the deed itself. For instance, I remember the kindness of a local fireman that helped my family in a tornado. I do not remember his name and he was never recognized in any news media, but I do remember his kindness. In a way, he is famous to our family. It really depends on your definition of famous as to whether good deeds lead to fame.
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