English, asked by shaggy123deepika, 1 year ago

essay on 'Good Values in life' 250 words

who will give the best answer, I will mark it as the 'BRAINLIEST'​


Answered by chhayag39



There is a special need today for evolving a new system of education in India which must be in tune with our major values of national tradition and integration. This system can only nourish and strengthen our national consciousness. Before 1976, education was the exclusive responsibility of the states. By the constitutional amendment of 1976, education was included in the Concurrent List. While the role and responsibility of the states in education remained largely unchanged the union government accepted a larger responsibility for reinforcing the national system of education to bring about uniformity in education.

Education means the fostering of the personality through the continuous development of innate qualities of a person. It aims to adjust the rhythm of the individual life with the rhythm of the society. This adjustment involves strengthening of one character and consolidation of the moral fiber. Today our education system lacks these moral standards.

From ethical point of view human actions can be judged as good or bad right or wrong moral or immoral. These judgments are always determined by the common moral standard of our society. Morality is not a law imposed upon us by our fellow men. It is a law that we ourselves can understand and choose for our guidance because we see that it is good sense to do. Broadly morality means honesty of character, fairness in attitude, absence of evils like hatred, jealously, greed, telling lies, etc. The ultimate objective of education is to inculcate these human values in the students.

Answered by espees

Life is not about money, fame, etc. Once you die, it is your morals that will be remembered. Always be a good person, around people and even when you are alone. But good values, dont just mean kindness, generosity, etc. You should always be able to deal with any situation that comes your way. Another important thing is being able to manage your time which is always important. But one of the most important is being able to separate the wrong from the right. In a world full of lies and rumors, you cannot keep a blind eye. Being kind and generous may not make you rich and famous but it can make you a good person from heart. You should always be honest and hard working. You can be loved by people. In a world full of war and sadness, at least a few of us can be a good person. Good Values in Life is much more than being loved, but much more about knowing how important you are to this world, to remain happy and spread positivity. Your values are what makes you who you are. You should always be happy with what you have and never ask for more. Judging people has never brought you happiness, has it? Everyday when you wonder what life means, remember to cultivate morals and values and be a good human being, manage time and be smart cause that what life really is. I would like to end with a quote saying,


                    - KAREN THOMPSON WALKER

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