English, asked by DanishKhan171, 10 months ago

Essay on grandparent.


Answered by khausalyaselvarajah


I was lucky enough to grow up in my grandparent’s house. Our family lived with my grandparents since I was little. As my paternal grandfather passed away when I was very young, I only remember a few memories of him. One thing I surely remember is he used to brush his teeth twice daily without fail. I adopted this habit and ever since I have been doing the same.

My maternal grandparents have been my true systems of support. I am lucky enough to have grown up around such inspirational people. My grandfather was a principal of a college, so he always emphasized the importance of education. He helped us with our homework when my parents were not available. I spent my vacations at their place as I enjoyed living with them.

Similarly, my grandparents always embraced me with open arms. They used to wait for every holiday for our arrival. My grandmother made delicious pickles and meals which we relished greatly. She taught me a few recipes too and tips and tricks that are very useful even today. I simply adore my grandparents for instilling good values in me and my parents and for giving us a safe space to grow up in.


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