English, asked by rinurinsha074, 2 months ago

essay on greatness ?​


Answered by swarnalichakraborty3


Some are born great; some achieve greatness; some have greatness thrust upon them." So wrote Shakespeare in one of his plays. One is common; everybody wants to become great. Why great ? The answer itself is obvious because the greatness has its own rewards, name and fame, ovation and applause, red carpeted welcome and wealth. There is practically no field where one cannot achieve greatness. From the great minister to a great cook in all ranks there can be greatness.

How great? There are degrees and shades of greatness as there are shades in colors. Greatness in a particular field cannot be equated with greatness in a different field. So each one in his specialized field has got his standard or ideal of greatness.

One thing common is that greatness cannot be achieved so easily. It is not made to measure or order and it is true also that it is not always the deserving that becomes great. To achieve greatness a lot of perspiration and hard work is needed. One may have the genius in him but he would have to use it. Even a diamond must be polished and faceted in order to sparkle; otherwise it would continue to be a crude lump of gem. So too in order to become great, one has to work for it. Shakespeare is not fully right in his above quoted statement. It may be true, some are made great but real greatness is the fruit of hard labor.

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