essay on gujranwala
Gujranwala is famous as the city of wrestlers. The city and wrestling run neck to neck. It has produced famous wrestlers of the sub-continent, who have proved their skill and strength. This city is proud to attain fame in sub-continent in this behalf with grand titles ever won by any city of the world.
Locals traditionally believe that Gujranwala's original name was Khanpur Shansi, though recent scholarship suggests that the village was possibly Serai Gujran instead - a village once located near what is now Gujranwala's Khiyali Gate that was mentioned by several sources during the 18th century invasion of Ahmad Shah
Answer:GUJRANWALAThe city served as the capital of the sukerchakia misl state berween 1763 and 1799 and is the birth place of founder of Sikh empire, maharaja rangit singh. Gujranwala
Answer:GUJRANWALAThe city served as the capital of the sukerchakia misl state berween 1763 and 1799 and is the birth place of founder of Sikh empire, maharaja rangit singh. Gujranwala is now Pakistan third largest industrial centre after Karachi and Faisalabad and contributes 5 percent of Pakistans national GDP. it is located in Punjab province.
Along with neighbour city of Sialkot and gujrat.and it was founded in 18 century.
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