Biology, asked by nagendrarambxr01, 9 months ago

Essay on health is a state of body and wellness is state of mind


Answered by umeshkumarp742



This semester, I took an eight-week public health class on resilience and thriving. The focus of the course was the health of the mind and body as well as assessing our weakest wellness dimension. I learned how to properly evaluate my emotional happiness and well-being, and picked up a few methods few methods on how to alleviate stress. I’m thankful for taking this course first because now I am confident that I know how to control and progress my mental and physical health, as well as my well-being. These contribute to how I manage my money, time, and academics and determine whether the outcomes of them all are positive or negative.

The mind is only as healthy as the body, so maintenance of physical health is the first step to overall wellness. These past few weeks have been very stressful, so it has been hard to maintain a solid sleep schedule. I usually meet the minimum amount of six to eight hours of sleep, but the time that I go to sleep and wake up varies every day. Often throughout the day I will find myself fatigued or sleepy. My sleep schedule is my first priority when it comes to changing bad habits.

On the other hand, my eating and exercise routine are staying on track. My meals are roughly the same time every day thanks to my recurring class schedule, as well as my exercise. Living on campus has made me lazier in the sense that I dread ever having to drive to school but also more active in that I can easily walk eleven thousand or more steps a day. On top of walking, I take a mile run with my friends occasionally throughout the week, maybe three of the seven days. I physically feel fit and healthy, aside from the occasional off-day where I feel exhausted from lack of sleep.

The fun part of exercising is when it can b...

Answered by ruchika95


I hope it will help you and please follow me yrr

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