essay on how i took care of my grandmother
मेरी दादी बहुत प्यारी है वह मुझे बहुत पसंद करती है और मेरे भाई की देखभाल करती है और मुझे। मेरी दादी बहुत अच्छी तरह बनाती है जब मेरी माँ काम के लिए गई है, मेरी दादी भोजन तैयार करती है उसकी तैयारी स्वादिष्ट होगी और हम उसके द्वारा बनाई गई मिठाई खाने का आनंद लेंगे। मेरी दादी बहुत ड्राइंग में अनुभव है उसके कारण, मैं बहुत अच्छी तरह ड्राइंग सीखने में सक्षम था पिछले महीने, मैंने एक पेंटिंग प्रतियोगिता में भाग लिया और मुझे पहला पुरस्कार मिला। मेरी दादी हमें स्वच्छ आदतों को भी सिखाती है और सलाह देती है कि कहीं भी हम अनुशासित हो जाएं। मैं अपनी दादी बहुत प्यार करता हूँ
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Caring For My Great-Grandmother Essay
844 Words4 Pages
Life experiences, rewarding or difficult, are the factors that influence us. My great grandmother has always been one of my key role models. I have always admired her independence, strong will, and caring nature towards all. For many years, she proudly lived by herself and independently took care of herself. At seventeen years old, she became very ill. When she became exceedingly sick, my family realized that someone needed to incessantly be with her, so my family and I moved into my great grandmother’s home to bestow quality care and make her comfortable. Living at my great grandmother’s home for the last six months of her life was the most emotionally and physically difficult experience I have ever had to endure or deal with, I despised that she had lost her ability to be autonomous, one of the fundamental characteristics that made her who she was, but I had to learn how to deal with it. Though I was affected emotionally and physically, I learned an important lesson that I used to deal with the anxiety of providing care for my great grandmother and plan to use throughout my nursing career: Use your emotions to empower you to perform the physical tasks that need to be performed in order for the patient to sustain a state of comfort. Though it would be psychologically demanding to take care of someone who you are slightly emotionally attached to, it would be more emotionally complex to take care of someone who you have been emotionally attached to since the beginning of your existence. Since I was very emotionally attached to my great grandmother, it made the situation more problematic for me, yet it also made me a better person.
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