Essay on how you saved a child in danger
Every Sunday I go swimming in the pool which is close to my house. Before going inside the pool I walk in the garden which runs all around the pool.
Last Sunday, early in the morning I was having a walk in the garden. I heard a loud cry from help and the cry seemed to be coming from the swimming pool side.
Without thinking I rushed towards the pool. I found a lady standing and crying loudly. The pool was empty at this time except for a child who seemed to be drowning.
Without a moment’s hesitation I jumped into the canal. Fortunately I had learnt swimming and infact was quite a good swimmer. I caught hold of the child in my arms and put him on my back. Slowly I swam back towards the banks.
As I reached the bank the mother’s eyes glistened with tears of joy. But the child was unconscious and clearly it was not yet the proper moment for rejoicing. I at once set to work.
I put the child on his stomach and started pressing the back. As the excessive waster in his stomach come out through his mouth he opened his eyes. The mother and I were overjoyed. The mother had been taking the child for a walk through the garden when the child insisted on inspecting the swimming pool. The child slipped and fell inside the pool.
I thanked god who had given me strength to save the life of the unknown child.