Essay on I am a leopard speaking
I am Leopard Speaking
Hello everyone! I am leopard. I belong to big cat family. I am found in Africa, Asia, and Russia. I am here to request you for my future. In all the continents I am facing survival issues. In the past I was hunted for my skin, bones, and as game. The hunting is still going on. Apart from danger I face from man, I have many rivals and competitors who make my life difficult.
My bigger cat family rivals such as lions, cheetahs, and tigers really make my life hell. They kill my cubs and don’t let me hunt. If I hunt they seize my hunt. I can eat only as much as I manage to hide in tree tops. Hyenas, wild dogs, and jackals also attack me in packs, especially after I have hunted and am about to eat the hunted animal.
Out of all my enemies, man is the most dangerous and insidious. He uses cunning strategies to kill me for his selfish gains. Though I have never ever gone to his habitat and attacked him, yet he comes into my habitat and kills me.
As a consequence to the forces working against me, I have become endangered. Though some good men and women have been working to conserve me, yet a majority of them are after my life. I am appealing to all men and women to not let me go extinct.
I am an integral part of the complex life system created by God; my extinction will create an imbalance in the environment. Kindly show me some respect. With folded hands I request you to live and let live my species in the wilderness where I have to face many challenges.

I am a leopard speaking and I want to tell you something important to humans.
Please stop using things which harm the environment because we are unable to live in the forest peacefully and please stop using plastics as they pollute our environment and many of our friends are suffering.