English, asked by hamdan, 1 year ago

essay on i love my country


Answered by ItzzzzzzzzzMe
It is true that when I will be able to self-Efficient Tue and then I'll have the welfare of society. In reality, the society consists of the logo so the people will be happy if the society will be happy. Social welfare only when I honestly do their duty sincerely for their efficient Tue. We are a group of the ants or bees, for example, will flock to every member of his group does its work with full devotion. The group thereby easily acquires a target. In the same way we properly fulfilled its duty to improve the community's own Jaagalhm hard to get success in your business all the hard work so that the economic development of society. We are also looking for the student or businessman in any field or profession duty; we enjoy our work and with full fidelity to the society and the country will have and of course on the path of progress before aid and must be capable of self-worth. Seating is good to blame the system unusable by the individual himself, his destiny came forward and wrote their own labour. A successful man himself with the nation plays an important role in making a success all the duties towards the nation to civilian development of the country will also be rapidness. The society in which you would live the development will be more in an effective when we contribute something towards the economy, infrastructure and all aspects that are there to be developed. Wellness is a general term for the condition of an individual or group, for example their social, economic, psychological, spiritual or medical state  

Anonymous: HEY............
Anonymous: WHY ARE U DELETING MY ANSWER AGAIN N AGAIN????????????????????????????????????
Anonymous: ALSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ItzzzzzzzzzMe: from where


Answered by Anonymous
love my India not because it is my mother-country. The people around me are lovely. The tradition is something unique. My mother-tongue is the most beautiful language on the earth. The natural beauty spread all over India is really enchanting. The religious touch that we could find among Indians is heart-touching.

1. UNITY in DIVERSITYWe speak different languages. Every 25 kilometer entertains different culture. All the major religions are followed here. Communal clashes are the nature of the day. Political parties are diverse at national as wellas the regional level. In spite of all these differences, we feel ONE when it becomes the matter of Indianism. The warmth and hospitality of the Indian people get deepened in spite of this diversity. The economic renaissance is amazing in the recent past. The economic progress of the people has maintained the unity of thepeople. Indian philosophy of life which is also called is called Sanatan Dharmais prime factor to sustain this unity indiversity.

2. CREATIVITY of THE PEOPLETo quote Sri Aurobindo, 'For more than three thousand years, India has been creating abundantly and incessantly, lavishly with an inexhaustible many sidedness, republics, kingdoms, empires, philosophies, cosmogonies, sciences, creeds, arts, poems and all kinds of monuments, palaces, temples, public works, communities, societies, religious orders, laws, codes and rituals, physical sciences, psychic sciences, systems of Yoga, systems of politics, administration, arts spiritual, arts worldly, trades, industries, fine crafts - the list is endless.' This is the honest word to vouch for the creativity of My India.Of course there are many and many factors of India which have attracted different people in different times. For all these things, I love My INDIA.
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