Essay on if I were a teacher (350 words)
If I were to become a teacher, the first step I would take to make teaching more interesting and fun filled, so that students would be attentive in class. I would give my students their space of imagination and thoughts, so that they learn to think and implement for the betterment in a situation or crisis. I would stand by them during their ups and down as it becomes a moral responsibility of a teacher to understand their students well. Most importantly never overestimate or under determine a student, as each student is unique in their own way and hence give them their space.
I would be a blend of strictness and love for all my children. The care I would take of their studies, their character and conduct would all together be a package of sorts. My love for them would be abounding yet, at the same time, I would not have any compromise with their work and or any other activity of theirs. I would never give a chance to the children to feel that, I have favourites among them, and, I favour one against another. I believe that, such a feeling in a young child can be very damaging for his/her growth and outlook on life.
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