English, asked by priyankasarma, 1 year ago

Essay on If your are a computer how would trouble man


Answered by guria0834


Computers and Ethics in the Workplace Executive Summary This paper discusses issues with ethics that have derived in the workplace as a result of the use of business computers. The definition of computer ethics is simple; they are a set of moral principles that intend to help with the regulation of the use of computers. Some common problems with computer ethics consist of privacy concerns, intellectual property rights, and the way computers have an effect on people. In other words, computer ethicsComputer Ethics “Computer ethics is a branch of applied ethics that considers ethical issues raised or significantly amplified by computer technology.” Moor (2006). Its been stated in several works that computers give people power, which means people have the choice to use this wisely and ethically. While society has benefited from this “power”, there are still ethical concerns that need attention such as privacy of data, security, reliability of data, intellectual property, and accessibility.

Answered by dkssoma


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Computer Science

Computer and its effects on human life

1959 words (8 pages) Essay in Computer Science

5/12/16 Computer Science Reference this

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When computers were first invented in the 1970’s it had a big effect on people’s lives all around the world. “Stop and imagine life without computers”. Today living without a computer is almost impossible for most people in the world since they depend on it for their every day programs. People all around the world use the computer to connect with people thousands of miles away and computers has made the lives of today’s growing society a lot easier. The amount of computer users has doubled in the past decade with more people trying to get their hands on a computer to make things easier for them. With a click of button and in a matter of seconds you can transfer information from one place to the other side of the world right from the comfort of your room. Computers are the most modern and most important machines in the 20th century.

Although computers have influenced people in a good way but there is a bad side to it too. Computers have a negative effect on the environment, society and people. First of all computers contain hazardous elements like lead and mercury which is very toxic and can damage the environment. When computers are not disposed properly or if not recycled then it can ruin the environment with its harmful chemicals. Computers consume a lot of energy which can pollute the environment (atmosphere).

Not only computers have a negative impact on the environment it also has a negative impact on humans too (as well). The computer can damage the human brain due to using the computer continuously and it can cause pain in the body like the hands, back legs etc. if not used properly and due to repetitive motion, computers make the society very inactive since people get addicted to it and using it too much leads them to miss out in their daily activities such as exercise.

Short History:

The personal computer was invented by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak which was called apple I computer in 1976. Since the 1970’s computer designs and programs have changed a lot and new models and better designs were built in the coming years. Throughout the late 1970’s and the early 1980’s computers were developed for personal household use for personal productivity, programming and games. Some larger and expensive systems were for use in an office and small businesses. Later on business computers acquired graphics and sound system and home computers and game system users used the same processors and operating systems as office workers. After the apple I computer Steve Woniak and his friend Steve Jobs created the Apple II computer which was a complete computer. The Apple II computer had color graphics, a full QWERTY keyboard and internal slots for expansion. In the 1980’s many other computers were built with improved models such as the TRS-80.

Personal computers were not a threat to the environment in the 70’s and 80’s since only limited amount of them were produced. Computers were expensive back then that only rich individuals, some businesses, companies and corporations could afford them. As more companies came into the computer business competition between other companies caused most of the computer prices to go down. With computers cheaper people could not wait to get their hands on one of them.

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