essay on impact of artificial intelligence on teaching and learning in higher education
The future of higher education is intrinsically linked with developments on new technologies and computing capacities of the new intelligent machines. In this field, advances in artificial intelligence open to new possibilities and challenges for teaching and learning in higher education, with the potential to fundamentally change governance and the internal architecture of institutions of higher education. With answers to the question of ‘what is artificial intelligence’ shaped by philosophical positions taken since Aristotle, there is little agreement on an ultimate definition.
In 1950s, Alan Turing proposed a solution to the question of when a system designed by a human is ‘intelligent.’ Turing proposed the imitation game, a test that involves the capacity of a human listener to make the distinction of a conversation with a machine or another human; if this distinction is not detected, we can admit that we have an intelligent system, or artificial intelligence (AI). It is worth remembering that the focus on AI solutions goes back to 1950s; in 1956 John McCarthy offered one of the first and most influential definitions: “The study [of artificial intelligence] is to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it.” (Russell and Norvig 2010).
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