English, asked by Anonymous, 4 months ago

Essay on impact of COVID- 19
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Answered by varshapandey916


On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared that COVID-19 was a global pandemic, indicating significant global spread of an infectious disease (World Health Organization, 2020). At that point, there were 118,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in 110 countries. China had been the first country with a widespread outbreak in January, and South Korea, Iran and Italy following in February with their own outbreaks. Soon, the virus was in all continents and over 177 countries, and as of this writing, the United States has the highest number of confirmed cases and, sadly, the most deaths. The virus was extremely contagious and led to death in the most vulnerable, particularly those older than 60 and those with underlying conditions. The most critical cases led to an overwhelming number being admitted into the intensive care units of hospitals, leading to a concern that the virus would overwhelm local health care systems. Today, in early May 2020, there have been nearly 250,000 deaths worldwide, with over 3,500,000 confirmed cases (Hopkins, 2020). The human toll is staggering, and experts are predicting a second wave in summer or fall.

As the deaths rose from the virus that had no known treatment or vaccine countries shut their borders, banned travel to other countries and began to issue orders for their citizens to stay at home, with no gatherings of more than 10 individuals. Schools and universities closed their physical locations and moved education online. Sporting events were canceled, airlines cut flights, tourism evaporated, restaurants, movie theaters and bars closed, theater productions canceled, manufacturing facilities, services, and retail stores closed. In some businesses and industries, employees have been able to work remotely from home, but in others, workers have been laid off, furloughed, or had their hours cut. The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that there was a 4.5% reduction in hours in the first quarter of 2020, and 10.5% reduction is expected in the second quarter (ILO, 2020a). The latter is equivalent to 305 million jobs (ILO, 2020a).

Answered by Muskan5196


The pandemic is affecting different people in different ways. Some people have lost their jobs, others experienced loneliness and loss, yet, others discovered new things about themselves or learned new hobbies. The International Student Association (ISA) officers are dedicated to hearing the voice of MUSC’s international students. The stress of facing the pandemic as an international student is compounded by being far away from one’s home country and family. As such, the ISA organized an essay writing competition, that would serve as an exercise for the students to express their emotions and personal experience. They created three essay topics under the theme of COVID-19 that ranged in topic from the concrete effect of this pandemic on their lives to an abstract expression of how they view the future impact of this event. The students were given the opportunity to write a 1500-word essay on one of the three following topics:

1. As an international student, reflect on your experience of being in a pandemic away from your home country.

2. Discuss the long-term effects of COVID-19 on society (e.g. human interactions, career choices, tourism…)

3. For the fiction lovers: It is the year 2120 and a high school student is immensely interested in what happened 100 years ago and how it cultivated the way life is in 2120. The floor is yours to be creative and write a fictional story revolving around that student and taking place in 2120.

The essays were scored by three judges based on content, creativity, structure, flow and need for the financial reward. We were extremely pleased with the engagement and positive feedback we received from the students. They all reported how nice it was to share their stories, be it fictional or not. We are proud of how talented our fellow students are, and we are excited to share the essays of six participants who agreed to let us share their writing.


hope it helps follow me and mark me as brain liest...

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