essay on ''importance of a girl child in a family''.
Save girl child is a most important social awareness topic now-a-days regarding the saving of girl child all through the country. There are various effective measures following which girl child can be saved to a great extent. There is huge level of poverty in the society which is the big reason illiteracy and gender inequality in the Indian society. So, education is the vital element to reduce poverty and gender discrimination as well as improve the status of girl child and woman in the Indian society. According to the statistics, it is found that female literacy is decreasing continuously in Odisha where girl child do not have equal access to the education and other activities.
Education is deeply linked to the employment. Low education means low employment which leads to the poverty and gender inequality in the society. Education is the most effective step forward to improve women status as it makes them financially independent. Save girl child step is taken by the government to ensure the equal rights and opportunities for women in the society. Bollywood actor (Parineeti Chopra) has been an official brand ambassador of the recent scheme of PM for save girl child (Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao).