Hindi, asked by manjotk7758, 1 year ago

Essay on importance of democracy in life in hindi


Answered by riddhiporwal123
India is the largest democratic country in the world. Democracy is defined as a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Democracy is considered the finest form of government in which every individual participates consciously and in which the people remain the sovereign power determining their destiny. So, in democracy the people are the ultimate source of power and its success and failure depend on their wisdom, consciousness and vigilance.

It is not possible for all the people in a big country like India to participate in the government. This is why they are required to exercise their franchise and elect their representatives at regular intervals. These representatives from the parliament legislate and form responsible government.

Such governments can be either unitary or federal. In India we have the federal form having both a government at the center responsible to the parliament and governments in the states elected and equally responsible to their legislative assemblies. But the people who participate in the election of their representatives must be educated enough to see what is good for them and who will be the right people to represent them.

India became free only in 1947 after many years of colonial rule. In the following years India had her constitution that declared India as a democratic federal republic. The first democratic election on the basis of universal adult franchise was held in 1952. However, during that election the people of India did not really had the necessary consciousness to understand democracy. They did not had the education to choose between good and evil. Many people were victims of age-old poverty, ignorance and superstitions. Many of them did not even understand the difference between the British and the new rulers. However, the entire election process were held through a democratic process.

Even to-day, after so many years, the people in India are not very much different, for many of them are illiterates. A large number of people are still below poverty level. In spite of efforts taken by the government, the Indian democracy could not the desired changes and to attain the goal of food for all, shelter for all, basic necessities for all and education for all.

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