essay on importance of family in our society at least 600 words
When man became oriented in agriculture, many families formed a group and stayed permanently at some place for farming. When these people, started partaking of each other’s pain and happiness as neighborly gestures, social relations increased and in this way many families formed a community and the next step was the creation of society. In this way family is that primary group which slowly evolved into human societies.
Family is a fundamental unit of human society. Its foundations rest upon man’s biological and psychological needs. In the modern age, many functions of the family have shifted to other institutions but nevertheless, there are many biological and psychological needs which man cannot satiate without a family.
Havelock Ellis, in his penetrative essays, has shown that the importance of a mother’s milk for the child cannot be obtained in any other manner. Psychologists have proved that the absence of family affection has a serious impact upon the child’s development.
The family has a nuclear situation hi human society. In primitive societies the entire organization is based on family units while the division of labour in society is also based on the family.
In the complex structure which is society today, the family has lost some of its importance, but even today the activities of most members are for the family or contiguous to it is seen that people work and labour more for the comfort of their wives, children and other members of family than even for personal comforts. Thus even now the family is the nucleus of a major part of man’s activities.
Proper social organization depends upon proper organization of families. If the families disintegrate in some society, then the society will never be sate. One major cause of social disorganization is family disorganization.
Families develop the characters of the members of society. Frued and other psychologists have proved that a child, when a man, exhibits the same character and mental tendencies which he acquires in the family. In the opinion of Adler, a man’s role in the family determines his role in society.
In this way, a person is socialized hi the family. Defining family, Merrill writes,
“Family is an enduring association of parent and offspring whose primary functions are the socialization of the child and the satisfaction of the members.”
According to Dewey and Tufts the family is a social agency for the education and protection of the race it is hi the family that the child acquires such important qualities as sincerity, sympathy, self-submission and realizing responsibility etc.
It is the character developed in the family which helps the child in becoming an important or responsible member of society. Wright was quite correct in stating that in every family, the child gets an opportunity or free expression of thoughts and developing his entire personality.
Psychologists have incontestably proved that the proper development of the child is impossible without a good environment in the family. The tendencies and habits which he acquires in the family, he finds impossible to shed later on.
According to Freud, the viewpoint of a child towards the senior in the family determines his attitude and viewpoint towards the elders in society. The child’s first school is his home and family.
According to Prof Collingwood, the child’s education should be in the hands of the parents in the family. The parents should participate hi all the child’s activities. A child learns much by imitating his superiors.
Mahatma Gandhi and such thinkers paid personal attention to the development of their children. It is the family which imparts practical education to the child concerning the customs hi society, conducts other important parts of culture, preservation of health, love, sympathy, cooperation etc.
It is evident from the above account that family is the primary and fundamental unit. Confusions remarked quite correctly that if you want to improve society, improve its families. Society will improve automatically when the families improve.
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In the ancient age, man lived in very small families, which demanded any kind of association or permanence. But they served to fulfil simple natural and cerebral conditions. Generally, the family is composed of a hubby and woman and their seed. The important men held multitudinous women and thus they lived in big families with their women and children.
When the man came acquainted with husbandry, multitudinous families formed a group and stayed permanently at some place for husbandry. When these people, started partaking in each other’s pain and happiness as companionable gestures, social relations increased and in this way, multitudinous families formed a community and the coming step was the creation of society. In this way family is the primary group which slowly evolved into mortal societies.
A family is a fundamental unit of mortal society. Its foundations rest upon man’s natural and cerebral conditions. In the modern age, multitudinous functions of the family have shifted to other institutions but nevertheless, there are multitudinous natural and cerebral conditions which man can't sate without family. Proper social association depends upon the proper association of families. still, also the society will noway be sate If the families disintegrate in some society. One major cause of social disorganization is a family association. Freud and other psychologists have proved that a child, like a man, exhibits the same character and internal tendencies which he acquires in the family.