essay on importance of nutritious food of teenage girls
Eating healthy food is important at any age, but it's especially important for teenagers. As your body is still growing, it's vital that you eat enough good quality food and the right kinds to meet your energy and nutrition needs. Being a teenager can be fun, but it can also be difficult as your body shape changes
Importance of nutritious food
For good health, we need a balanced diet that gives us different nutrients in the amount our body needs. We must eat a variety of food because different foods have different combination of nutrients. Therefore, nutritious food is needed in our food pyramid. Nutritious food is defined as food ingestion with the purpose of obtaining of them the nutrients that the body needs to preserve the health. Examples of nutritious food are vegetables and fruits. They are rich in vitamins.
Eating nutritious food is important from the day we are born.
Foods all contain nutrients that provide us not only with energy, but also with the substances that build our bones and muscles. Not getting enough of one nutrient may cause a variety of problems including stunning our growth. Next, maintaining function is also not important without eating nutritious food.