English, asked by achindunimesh0owoi8y, 1 year ago

Essay on importance of reading books 200 words


Answered by anantagauraha
Man has secured a life-long source of pleasure, instruction and inspiration by acquiring the habit of reading the books. Poor indeed is the man who does not read, and empty is his life.

The reading habits confer the many blessings. We should choose the right kind of books. The reading gives the highest kind of pleasure. When we are tired or the brain is weary with serious study, it is healthy recreation to lose ourselves in some absorbing story written by a master hand.

As we need plain, wholesome food for the body, so we must have serious reading for the mind. We can choose reading the books according to our taste. There are many noble books on history, biography, philosophy, religion, travel and science which we ought to read. The reading of books will give us not only pleasure but an education. Books are the most faithful of friends. Our friends may change or die, but our books are always patiently waiting to talk us. No wonder a reader becomes a "book-lover."
Answered by tushargupta0691


The value of reading in human existence is enormous. We should all read a lot. We will not be able to enhance our creative or communication skills until we read. We can minimise stress and despair by reading a lot. If you're feeling down, lonely, or frustrated, take a nice book and start reading. Within a few minutes, your mood will be transformed.


Books are regarded as our closest companions. You can read the book if you are bored, depressed, annoyed, or lonely to alter your mood. A excellent book can stimulate your intellect and allow you to discover new things. Reading books is really important in human life. It boosts our mental health and allows us to think in new ways. Reading is essential for expanding your knowledge. If you want to be a person with a lot of knowledge, you must read a lot. A daily newspaper will keep you up to date on current events. If you read an excellent book, it will inspire you and offer positive value to your thinking.

Reading a book is a lot of fun. If you enjoy reading, you will understand what I mean. When you read a good book, you begin to visualise it in your mind. In this manner, you finish a book as if you were in an other universe. That improves our imagination and allows us to imagine large. It relieves tension and promotes creativity. Reading books and other things may teach you a variety of abilities. Continue to read a lot.

You will begin to enjoy the pleasures of book reading. It assists us in becoming better writers. It provides us with ideas and information while also inspiring us to be creative. Overall, reading is really essential to us.


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