Environmental Sciences, asked by Gulnaz5586, 10 months ago

Essay on importance of solar energy (10 - 15 sentences)


Answered by 02manishku

Answer:Solar energy is a form of renewable energy that is available without any limit and can be used for our need. Over decades and centuries, this type of energy is being used by living beings in one way or another to lead a smooth life.

Sun is the source of solar energy and this energy cannot be destroyed. This non-conventional form of energy does not pollute or affect any other things, which is also the reason to promote the use of solar energy in every field.

Uses of Solar Energy:

Solar energy is being used by the plants to make food through the process photosynthesis. This a natural process where plants along with carbon dioxide, water etc., prepare food using solar energy. This, in turn, will help us in getting healthier and tastier food for consumption. This is the natural way in which solar energy is utilized.

This growing world of technology and development has made the possibility of using this abundant form of energy in different technologically benefitting ways. Initially, the energy from the sun is trapped inside a cell called solar cell and is stored in them for using it as a replacement for electricity and other purposes.

This solar energy in the cell can be used to heat water, as a mode of energy to power up different equipment, etc., which are readily accessible in the market.

An advantage of this form of energy is that it is cost effective to use such products. Even though the initial installation costs are comparably higher, their maintenance and other expenses are very low.

Promoting the use of solar energy in replacement with many other technologies will help in the reduction of pollution as well as the destruction of many other non-renewable energies.


Answered by miachel

Answer:Importance of Solar Energy Essay

807 words (3 pages) Essay in Construction

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Essays.

Solar energy is the nature available source of energy; it is continuous providing by the Sun. It is the most important of non-conventional sources of energy therefore it is one of the non-polluting energy and helps in less the greenhouse effect.

The method as solar panels absorb energy from sun to gain heat for water heating. Similarly as we use the energy of the sun to dry our clothes. Such systems are readily available in the market and are being used in worldwide factories and homes.

Solar water heaters are cost competitive in many applications when it take into account the total energy costs over the life of system. Although the initial cost of solar water heaters is higher than that of conventional water heaters. However, the fuel (i.e. sun) is safe, free and environmental friendly. To take advantage of these heaters, it must have an unshaded, south-facing location (e.g. roof or south-facing windows for externally mounted solar panels on building facade).

In this coursework, different types of solar water heaters will be introduced, including application on different types of systems available with their economic and environmental benefits.

Solar energy is the most nature inexhaustible renewable energy. To the world’s energy resources perspective, we have relied heavily on traditional energy stocks are already very limited storage capacity of the remaining oil can be used only forty-three years; natural gas storage capacity of the remainder can only be used Liushiernian Coal is the 200 ã„ thirteen years, these stocks will be growing as people increasingly exhausted to do extraction. In addition, carbon dioxide emissions from conventional energy sources is the phenomenon of global warming caused by ã„ major reason. China’s response to the global Framework Convention on Climate Change’s international responsibilities, set de 2020 renewable energy will estimate the total generating capacity of 12% of the long-term goal, and actively promote the development and application of renewable energy, reducing the use of traditional fossil fuels and to play a accessibility of renewable energy, while promoting domestic energy diversification and the main nature.

In the vast universe, and human relying on a star is to shine a recent four-color sun. The sun, it was a huge light and heat, all things on earth to bring vitality, it wasted no time in sending to the space with a lot of energy. It has been calculated, only issued for every wonderful energy, by about the equivalent of 1.3 quadrillion tons of coal combustion is emitted by all the heat.

The sun sends to Earth’s energy is considerable, but only to its 22 billionth of outward radiation of energy, just from these energies, if the surface of the Earth’s atmosphere to remove the reflection and absorption of energy, it will really reach the Earth the surface of solar energy, approximately equal to the world’s current generation capacity of 20 million times. Solar energy received on Earth every day, equivalent to the entire world for one year the total energy consumed by 200 times. Only from these figures we can see a huge, really worthy of the sun’s energy is an inexhaustible treasure house of mankind.


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