English, asked by idbrbryejebbeh, 1 year ago

Essay on importance of trees ​


Answered by Anonymous

              Importance of trees

Trees are the most beautiful part of Nature. Trees are the best gift given by God. Trees provides oxygen to Billions of Living beings. Oxygen is very important to live a life, A life without oxygen is impossible. Trees provide us all the life living factors. Trees provides us Beautiful flowers, Delicious fruits, Helpful leaves and Shade for living beings.

Leaves of trees are very beneficial, as they are useful for Medical purposes, Leaves of trees can prevent us from lot of diseases and other things. Medical herbs are used for making different kind of medicine, that are very helpful against the various diseases.

Trees provides us Wood, which is helpful for making tables, chairs and doing furniture. They also provides us Rubber, Latex, Lace, Oil and everything. Trees purify the Air and maintain the quality of Air. They releases oxygen which is very helpful for living beings. And they absorbs the CO². Due to which, the quality of Air remains always pure. Trees helps us to prevent from pollution and balancing the quantity of gases in the atmosphere.

Trees helps us to prevent soil erosion and they make the soil fertility greater. A lot of water is stored in the form of Groundwater in the soil, this water is also protected by Trees. Because of only trees, The quality of Environment is maintained properly. As trees maintain the balance of environment, the are also very helpful for different animals.

In the process of Food chain and Food web, the first organism is only plants. Plants are consumed by Herbivores, Herbivores by carnivores and Carnivores by top carnivores. Because of only plants, The animals and Human beings are living their life. Trees are also very important for whether control. In short, they are the Moderators of climate.

From the above all things, we can conclude that, Trees are our life and they are everything of our life. We should protect and conserve them. We should not cut trees in order to maintain the balance of environment.

Hence, Trees are very important for all the living beings to live a proper life and maintain the balance of environment.

Answered by Rehanlover


Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil and give life to the world’s wildlife. They also provide us with the materials for tools and shelter.

Not only are trees essential for life, but as the longest living species on earth, they give us a link between the past, present and future.

It’s critical that woodlands, rainforests and trees in urban settings, such as parks, are preserved and sustainably managed across the world.

Play your part and donate to The Royal Parks today to help us manage these vital trees in London's Royal Parks.

Trees benefit health

The canopies of trees act as a physical filter, trapping dust and absorbing pollutants from the air. Each individual tree removes up to 1.7 kilos every year. They also provide shade from solar radiation and reduce noise.

Over 20 species of British trees and shrubs are known to have medicinal properties. The oil from birch bark, for example, has antiseptic properties.

Research shows that within minutes of being surrounded by trees and green space, your blood pressure drops, your heart rate slows and your stress levels come down.

Trees benefit the environment

Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow and the carbon that they store in their wood helps slow the rate of global warming.

They reduce wind speeds and cool the air as they lose moisture and reflect heat upwards from their leaves. It’s estimated that trees can reduce the temperature in a city by up to 7°C.

Trees also help prevent flooding and soil erosion, absorbing thousands of litres of stormwater.

Trees boost wildlife

Trees host complex microhabitats. When young, they offer habitation and food to amazing communities of birds, insects, lichen and fungi. When ancient, their trunks also provide the hollow cover needed by species such as bats, woodboring beetles, tawny owls and woodpeckers.

One mature oak can be home to as many as 500 different species. Richmond Park is full of such trees, which is one of the reasons it has been designated a National Nature Reserve and Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Trees strengthen communities

Trees strengthen the distinctive character of a place and encourage local pride. Urban woodland can be used as an educational resource and to bring groups together for activities like walking and bird-watching. Trees are also invaluable for children to play in and discover their sense of adventure.

Trees grow the economy

People are attracted to live, work and invest in green surroundings. Research shows that average house prices are 5-18% higher when properties are close to mature trees. Companies benefit from a healthier, happier workforce if there are parks and trees nearby.

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