essay on importance of trees
Trees : Plays a vital role in our life
Trees are our lifeline. They are so important in our life as it plays an important role in our life. It gives us the things which are necessary for us. They are our best friends because they clean the air we breathe and provides us a fresh and clean air. They are god's wonderful creation. They help to conserve the land from soil erosion and floods. It provides us with oxygen, food, shelter, wood, furniture, medicines, and many more things. In return,human beings give them carbon dioxide which helps them to make their food. They make their food with the help of sunlight, air, water and carbon dioxide. Do you think trees are safe?Naah,they are not even a little bit safe. Do you know why?Human beings are destroying trees for their use,they don't see the fact that trees help us to survive or breathe. Human beings are just destroying their life and tree's life too!And,it's the worst thing that humans do. Do you think,is it right?Well,everyone has different-different opinions on this question. According to me,it is the worst thing. We should save trees for our future/next generation too!Otherwise,there will be lots of problems at that time,we can take a main example like asthma,as we know it is a respiratory disease. So,in future the next generation would be passing through this problem/disease. As you know,trees are used in making papers. Do you know?About 17 full grown trees are used to make one tonne of paper and what we used to do with it?We throw it in the dustbin, isn't it?We waste paper. So,wastage of paper also results to deforestation which can't be understand by the people!We should recycle and save papers. If we save papers,we can save many trees in a day,a week,a month and even in a year too!So,start recycling and saving papers. Afforestation should be done as it leads to the enrichment of biodiversity which further prevents many plants and animals from getting extinct. All the people should understand the importance of a tree. Otherwise,suffer through it!
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Importance of trees
We depend on trees and forests for our survival. The very air we breathe is given to us by trees. Trees provide habitats for animals and livelihoods for humans. Trees mitigate climate change. Our failure to take care of our forests is threatening the very existence of man and wildlife. Some effects of deforestation are mentioned below:
In the absence of trees and forests the fertile top soil is washed away by rainwater making cultivation impossible.
Trees retain rain water in the soil. Without forests the entire rainwater flows into the sea. The water is then not available as ground water.
Deforestation causes droughts leading to scarcity of drinking water.
Without trees rainfall will decrease and cultivation will become impossible. This will cause famines due to scarcity of food grains.
Trees absorb the harmful Carbon dioxide and release the life supporting Oxygen. Deforestation contributes to the decrease in oxygen level and increase Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Increased Carbon dioxide level results in lungs diseases, cancer and lower life expectancy.
Trees reduce air pollution by dust and noise pollution.
Trees also keep our surrounding beautiful.
We get many medicines from trees.
Trees are our best friends. We cannot survive without trees. Felling of trees is like digging our own graves. We must prevent felling of trees and start planting more and more trees.