English, asked by bishnupriyanayak2005, 10 months ago

Essay on importance of trees [400 word]


Answered by MissTanya


Almost everyone knows the trees and other living plants are valuable. They beautify our surroundings, purify our air, act as sound barriers, manufacture precious oxygen and help us save energy through the air cooling set in summer and their wind reduction in winter.

Trees have a positive effect on people. They make us feel happy and connected with nature day reduce stress they help us recover from illness faster and their restore our spirits. Many people don't realize however that plant has $1 value of their own that can be measured by competent plant appraisers.

Ecological value: During the process of photosynthesis green plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Primitive plants are responsible for converting the poisonous atmosphere of Earth into an oxygen rich atmosphere has supports animal life. Trees help to maintain low levels of carbon dioxide, thereby reducing the greenhouse effect which threatens to make the earth uncomfortably warm.

Soil benefits from trees as their far-reaching hold the soil in place, preventing erosion. Trees improve soil quality as their leaf litter makes perfect compost. Some trees, for example acacias have bacteria living in their roots. The bacteria convert nitrogen from the air into nitrates which the tree can use to grow and reproduce, whilst the soil is also enriched.

The leaves of trees are eaten by many insects as well as monkeys, elephants, giraffes, kudus and bush-bucks. Even fallen dead leaves are eaten - they are a favorite food of the blue duiker. Flowers are eaten by monkeys and nectar by birds, insects and bats. Many fruits are eaten by animals, some of which aid seed dispersal.

Trees provide nest sites for birds. The leafy branches make good hiding places and are difficult for most predators to reach - even non-breeding birds roost in trees at night. Woodpeckers, barbets and hornbills nest in holes in trees. Very large, old trees frequently develop a hollow centre, a favorite breeding and roosting place for bats. When dead, their rotting wood is a source of food for insects and their predators.

COMMERCIAL VALUE: Trees provide timber. A widely-used building material, its strength and lightness often gives it the advantage over concrete and steel. Modern buildings still require timber in roof construction. Timber is used in furniture manufacture, and for various other products ranging from tool handles and sporting equipment to matchsticks. Pulped wood is used to make paper.

Wood was our first fuel, and is still the main energy source for many people. Sawdust and off cuts are an important fuel in industry, and may be processed to produce alcohol and chemicals.

Bark of some trees provides cork and can also be made into simple cord - the main building material of half the world's people. However the main importance of bark is as a source of chemicals and medicines.

Tannin, derived from wattle bark, is the basis of the leather tanning industry, Bark, and many other parts of the tree, are used in traditional and modern medicine. Quinine and aspirin, for example, are made from bark extracts.

The inner bark of certain trees provides latex, main ingredient of rubber. Acacias produce sap used in gum manufacture, and the maples of North America yield edible maple syrup. Several palms produce a watery sap which is drunk as palm wine, or can be fermented and distilled into a powerful spirit.

Trees are great producers of edible fruits - apples„ bananas, plums, papayas, avocados, olives, nuts, oranges, litchis - the list of commercially grown fruits is almost endless. Many wild species are of economic importance, including the Brazil nut and Marcela. Wild fruits eaten by rural people include monkey oranges and wild plum.


Answered by esha199


here is ur answer.


trees trees are beautiful and useful gift of nature trees are great friend of human beings trees gives us flowers fruits Timber bamboo etc we can rest under the cool shade of a tree we get wood from the trees to make furniture doors Windows etc trees are also a great source of materials for paper rubber gums hurts and medicine plants forest brings clouds and cause rainfall trees prevent soil erosion the protect us from the sever weather importance of trees : trees are a part and parcel of earthly life all life directly or indirectly owes its existence to them trees release oxygen which we need for our life they also absorb the carbon dioxide to visit the natural habitat of many animals and birds trees help make the land fertile we get good craft out of fertile and they are the sources of the fruits and flowers they offer as a cool said during summer season during rainy season we take selter under the trees trees and plants are their sources of money supply life saving d r u g s they prevent land erosion and Guard against pollution caused trees keep the ecological balance trees protect us from sever wind also conclusion for trees play and vital and important role in our life felling of trees disturb the ecosystem we should preserve trees and plants with a great care.

hope it helps you.

sry if I have any common mistake.

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