essay on importance of waste water treatment

Importance of Waste Water Management.
Wastewater treatment is the process of converting wastewater - no need for water or no longer suitable for use - into bilge water that can be released back into the environment.
It is formed by several activities including rainwater harvesting. Wastewater is full of contaminants including bacteria, chemicals and other toxins. Its treatment aims to reduce contaminant levels to acceptable levels to make water safe for discharge back into the environment. These bacterias are harmful for human beings.
There are two wastewater treatment plants i.e. chemical or physical treatment plants, and organic wastewater treatment plants.
Biological waste treatment plants use organic matter and bacteria to break down waste. Physical waste treatment plants use chemical reactions as well as physical processes to treat wastewater.
Sewage systems help in disposing of wastewater with clean and safe water. They also often recycle(ie. filtration methods) water and treat the same, so that it can be piped back to people's homes and used for drinking, washing and so on. This system is absolutely necessary to ensure that our waste water does not give us a reason to become ill.