essay on influence of social media.
The social media network has become a universal technology that has paved way for a more sophisticated way of communication across all and sundry. The rapid growth, advancement and adoption of communication technologies have definitely changed the ways in which individuals gain access and consume Information. These technologies are largely useful because of the ease of use and the attendant wide coverage across borders. A social media network consist of an online service portal, site that engages in building of social networks /relations among people by providing a platform where people of similar interests share activities, backgrounds, social forums, links or real life connections. It is usually a kind of network that has representations of each user depicted by a profile, social links, and contacts. Most social networks are web based and they are accessed by means of using the internet. Often users are given the choice of whom to associate and connect socially with. An example of a typical social network is facebook and Twitter. Face book has since taken a dominant place and factor in the social media scene. It is the most well known and used social networking site tool with over 1.06 billion users as at December, 2012. Users are drawn from all facets of life with the university having its own fair share of student users. Users are able to create profiles with picture representations of them and basic information about their school, work and interests. They are able to communicate with other user groups through sharing of vital information using formats that are similar to e-mails. Other interesting aspect of this platform is the ability to share photos, music, videos and educational materials via web links.
This study is of particular significance and necessary because of the importance and high usage of social media among university students. It is important to understand the influence and effects of this media on the information behaviour of a typical student. A graduate student is in constant need of information be it social, educational or cultural. Facebook is used primarily by students to maintain relationships with individuals they are acquainted with who live near and far (Quan-Haase & Young, 2010). It makes for ease of communication with diverse user groups at a time. It is important to do research on facebook social networks to see how they are affecting and influencing information behavior and practices of their users, as well to understand issues and trends concerning them. This type of research can lead to a better understanding of them and allows researchers to better design different systems with features similar to social networks. The findings of this type of study can help in the design of information- rich resources on the internet and intranet for graduate students of Western where all their social, cultural and educational needs will be met on campus just like facebook.
This study is guided by Erikson’s theory of human development with a combination of Arnett’s theory of emerging adulthood. According to Erikson’s description of late adolescence, it is a time where there are many prospects of love, work and worldwide views (Arnett, 2000). Emerging adulthood is described as ages between 18- 25, which is seen as a transitional period. It is a period where identity formation occurs during emerging adulthood in which these young adults are searching and discovering their identities as an individual. This is a time of self discovery, exploration and change; hence the need for them to seek for peer identities to help enhance their perception of whom they are.
Emerging adults use social media communication methods as they make lifelong decisions for themselves (Arnett, 2000). Social media allows an outlet for identity exploration to occur through peer feedback and strengthening of relationships (Pempek et al., 2008). Facebook makes it simpler to communicate with multiple people at one time. Social media may also make it easier for users to monitor activities of people they have not seen in a while as well as reconnecting with new and old friends (Quan-Haase & Young, 2010).
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of social media networks on the information behaviour of a graduate student, to see to what extent this media has been used, and finally to examine if there has been a behavioral change in the course of usage of the media (facebook)
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