English, asked by madhubethi, 1 year ago

Essay on influence of western culture


Answered by pushapbharti2


Indian culture  is  one of the oldest culture .But now a days  western culture is establish upon indian culture . Slowly slowly  western culture wiped the indian culture. I am not say that western culture has only negtive effect .its both negative and positive effect.

Like that a coin has two side a head and tale like that western culture has both positive and negative effect

Firstly i say about negtive effects _ westernisation has greatly effect on indian culture .After accepting western culture in india breakage of marriage has common .its also effect the roots and heritage of culture.Before western culture people of india always thought about each other.they always celebrate their sorrows and joys toghter .But after westernization they have not think about each other , even that all like to live in nuclear family .they have not to live in joint family .They only think about how to earn more and more money only .

After that i say about new generation of india .New genertation have not know about the indian culture .This is not mistake of new generation .this is the mistake of their parents who does not elightn their childrens to indian culture .Bea cause in present days parents feel proud to give western sanskar to their children .It is not bad to give the knowledge of other cultures but its bad to gain knowledge of other cultures and forget their own culture .Before some tym i went to a indian school i saw that school speak punjabi and hindi was not allowed beacuse that schools give only western sanskar to their students .its not ryt .

Before western culture indians did not allow to girls doing study .but after that present tym all girls study and doing work like a boy . Last Olympic many women won prizes and play better than boys .

No doubt western culture is versatile and taught about independence but its not ryt to forget their own culture .we all feel proud to be Indian .

Answered by Rowdy258

Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of people, the way of life, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Every country has its own culture and traditions. I belong to India which is famous for Hindu culture. In this culture there are many different gods worshiped by different caste and tribe in India. But the most common is Lord Shiva. There are major differences between Western and Indian culture in ideology. As Western culture is open minded in nature and Indian culture is of orthodox views. Another major difference, Western culture is materialistic in nature and Indian Culture is religious in nature. But as time changes both culture’s intersection are witnessed in their culture. Adopting good views like family, love and harmony. In Indian culture adopt one good thing from western culture to providing education to girls and allow them to do job which helps her to support their family member and become independent. Western culture also adopted good views from Indian culture like yoga, meditation for inner happiness of person.

I have been living in USA since 2015 and I notice the difference between Indian culture and United States culture. Here I describe about the family characteristic, In the Western culture mostly people believe in nuclear families. Here people are independent, they do whatever they want like in American culture once children’s reach age of 18, they consider as an adult and they move out from their houses.

India is land of Diversity. Our country has various languages, religion, culture, tradition etc. various elements of Indian culture such as Indian books on philosophy, Indian cuisine, yoga etc. have created an impact all over the world.

Western culture is also called European civilization, Western civilization or Western lifestyle. It is based on certain belief systems, traditional customs moral and ethical values. The term not only applies to European countries but to places where we see spread of European culture.

“The American culture promotes personal responsibility, the dignity of work, the value of education, the merit of service, devotion to a purpose greater than self, and at the foundation, the pre-eminence of family. “ -Mitt Romney

India is a country rich in its heritage and culture, but we are seeing fading of Indian culture at many places of India, especially at the urban societies of India.

The effect of western culture is greatly seen in our customs, tradition, social and moral behavior, our love and respect for others. These days a person loves to live in freedom, he does not want to bind themselves in Indian customs and traditions. Day by day we see breaking of joint family and more and more development of nuclear family.

Very few are interested in making adjustments and share their things with other family members, the word privacy is given greater importance and the love and respect towards other especially elders is decreasing day by day. In this information age people are too busy to care for others. Western culture has brought with it the seeds of selfishness in the minds of Indian.

These are contradictory to Indian culture which has always taught to live in harmony with each other and always love and respect everyone at home.

With lack in experience of a nuclear family due to the absence of grandfather and grandmother, and both parents working a child fails to learn ethical or moral values, and learn whatever little he sees and understands from the world and his teachers. In this way we end up bringing up a child who has little ethical values and do not hesitate in doing any unfair practices, because no one is there to teach him good or bad or stop him from doing something bad.

We should know what is right and wrong for us. Western culture is not altogether bad, although it has made our life faster but enhanced the technology has also made our life easier and comfortable.

We need to give importance to our Indian culture which taught us to live in peace and harmony with other by the way of increasing our tolerance and patience. Many people of other countries are realizing the importance of Indian heritage and are adapting the goodness of Indian culture such as practice of Yoga and meditation, wisdom and teachings passed by the ancient saint etc. The knowledge of Indian wisdom helps human being of any race to enrich their life.

It’s time to realize both the goodness and harmful effects of both Indian and western culture, and adopt and goodness and get rid of those cultural practices that are degrading the quality of human life.

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