Essay on interior design
From the latter part of the Sun King's reign, there was little building in the royal domain: new work was confined to interiors. This allowed the prominent architects time and freedom to work with other customers. De Cotte and another crown architect, Gabriel Germain Boffrand were employed by the Euctor of Cologne, the Czar of Russia, and by Stanislas Leszczinska, father - in - law of the king and former ruler of Poland (39).
The name "Rococo" is and appreciative expression of the first half of the Eighteenth Century (39). "It favors the Baroque characteristics of rhythmically moving shapes, of a centrally oriented asymmetrical balance, and of space interpenetration (39)." The term suggests an era of sparkling elegance, seduction, and charming grace but with all something restless and impermanent - "a brilliant arpeggio, a frothy effervescence with which a waning society whiled away its hours of decline (39)".
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