English, asked by shrutizujam60, 6 months ago

Essay on internet a boon in pandemic​


Answered by tgargi652


The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has been beyond the imagination of humankind. While ‘lockdown’ has been a strategy followed by policymakers to prevent the onslaught of the disease, the world is simultaneously engaged in finding solutions to eliminate it once for all. Of course, the pandemic has eliminated the privileges once enjoyed only by those who are economically, socially and politically advantageous. This unprecedented vulnerability has shackled the status quo of the economic order and thus attracted a huge response from the neoliberal forces, which are at the helm of economic affairs. What is staggering is that it did not leave education out of it.

Education is the first sector to have been paralysed since the start of the pandemic as social distancing, by all means, was not at all a possibility on campus. The higher education campuses are not only places for delivering a predetermined curriculum but also grooming the youth in response to contemporary developments and requirements posed by the society


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