essay on it that our planet earth has danger from our thinking that any other can save it
Pollution has gone literally sky high. The life on earth is threatened in every way. The forests are dwindling at a fast rate creating all kinds of problems like drought, land slides etc. The oxygen content in the atmosphere is reducing and the carbon dioxide level is increasing. We all know the role played by the trees and other vegetation in balancing the levels of these two gases.
After listing the main problems of this earth, it is time to think how to remedy it or rather who will find remedies to these problems. The immediate answer will be'the government and the concerned authorities'. But then, who are these'concerned authorities'? What are they supposed to do to solve the diverse problems faced by various parts of the world? The problems and their effects are so divers that it is difficult to prescribe a common strategy to deal with them. The common man tends to hoist the responsibilities to the shoulders of the'government' and the'authorities' and go about his own business comfortably. This has been the policy of mankind from time immemorial; put the blame and responsibility on others and escape.
But now the time has come for each of the earthlings to take up his own responsibility of preserving this planet for himself and the coming generations. But again, it is the habit of man in general, to think that the impact he himself makes on the problem is negligible. He thinks that if he uses a highly polluting vehicle it doesn't make a difference. If he cuts down a tree for his needs that is alright because it is only one tree after all!
He expects others to follow the norms and make a difference. We know that there should be a general awareness about these things. But who will go about spreading this awareness? Of course, somebody else, because we are busy with our lives.
The level of carbon dioxide and other such gases have increased so much that it has become a blanket over the earth trapping the sun's heat.This has produced the green house effect and the result is global warming. The sea level is increasing and within a century the habitable land on earth will be reduced considerably. The increased temperature of the sea is causing the destruction of plankton, which is the first link in the great food chain. This means that it is going to affect the food habits of man.
The use of the fossil fuels is the main cause of this. The CFC emitted from refrigerators and air conditioners is another problem. But who is ready to check the use of these? The car pooling system and using public transport will reduce the emission from vehicles. But when it comes to the convenience and comforts of using our own car, we are not ready to adopt these. There lies the whole problem. Again we are expecting others to act.
When we need timber for our use, or if we think that an overgrown tree spoils the look of our drive or obstructs the view of our magnificent house we don't think twice before cutting it down. We talk a lot about the need of afforestation and prevention of deforestation. We think paying lip service to the cause is good enough; we have done our duty.
When we throw our household waste on to the public place, we think nothing of it. Still we deliver speeches about waste management and the necessity of keeping our surroundings clean. Our factory waste should be discarded. But where? Of course to the convenient river nearby. It will flow away and no harm done. After all the sea is vast. But what about the people living on the banks of the river? What about the fish in the river? When it comes to our own business we consider the impact negligible.
In short, we are so selfish that we are not ready to alter our own lives to find solution to a common problem. We consider talking profusely against the problems will do. When it comes to the solving part of it we expect others to do it. Some of us are not ready to be involved in the campaigns or talk about it because we think, "what can one person achieve?". We think that if we refrain from using an old car what difference will it make. This is also derogatory to the cause.
The need of the hour is that each and every person on earth should act in every way he can, however small the act may be. If every man on earth refrains from adding to any kind of pollution, he is doing his bit in saving the earth from global warming. If every man avoids destroying the vegetation on earth, he is helping in replenishing the depleting oxygen level on earth. As the old adage would have it, 'many drops make the sea'.
Earth The blue planet
Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life
Earth rotates about its axis 366.256 times, that is, a sidereal year has 366.256 sidereal days
About 29% of Earth's surface is land consisting of continents and islands. The remaining 71% is covered with water, mostly by oceans but also lakes, rivers and other fresh water, which all together constitute the hydrosphere
Greenhouse gas emissions are rising, scientists’ extreme weather predictions appear to be coming true, the air in our cities is becoming dangerous, groundwater is getting scarce, ocean health and fish stocks are declining, forests and natural habitats are being destroyed, plastic in our ocean is out of control and researchers warn that a “biological annihilation” of wildlife means a human-driven sixth mass extinction event is underway.
✓Earth day
Earth Day is a name used for two similar global observances. While some people celebrate Earth Day around the time of the March Equinox, others observe the occasion on April 22 each yearThe April 22 Earth Day is usually celebrated with outdoor performances, where individuals or groups perform acts of service to Earth. Typical ways of observing Earth Day include planting trees, picking up roadside trash, conducting various programs for recycling and conservation, and using recyclable containers for snacks and lunches. Some people are encouraged to sign petitions to governments, calling for stronger or immediate action to stop global warming and to reverse environmental destruction. Television stations frequently air programs dealing with environmental issues
The April 22 Earth Day, founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson, was first organized in 1970 to promote ecology and respect for life on the planet as well as to encourage awareness of the growing problems of air, water, and soil pollution
✓ Save earth
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away.
Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community.
Conserve water.
Choose sustainable.
Shop wisely. :