Essay on kinds of classical music and their musicians in 100 words
The major time divisions of classical music up to 1900 are the early music period, which includes
Medieval Classical Music (500–1400):
It is the longest and most distant period in the musical history. It includes the Gregorian chant. It is monophonic i.e it has only one melodic line without any accompaniment. In the 11th century, Polyphony was born. It means two or more melodic lines are heard at the same time.
Renaissance Classical Music(1400–1600) eras :
The idea that the music composed for the church should express the meaning of the words. Sacred music was still a primary, but secular music became more common and more sophisticated.
Baroque Classical Music (1600–1750) :
Baroque music is highly ornate, colorful and richly textured. Opera was born. Polyphony remained fundamental but homophonic became important. A clear difference between the melody line and an subsidiary accompaniment part was the main feature of homophonic music.
Some musician in this era are Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel, Johann Pachelbel, Antonio Vivaldi
“Classical” Music (1730–1820):
The word Classical has strong connotations, creating illusion of the philosophy and art of Ancient Rome and Greece along with their ideals of proportion, balance and disciplined expression. Public concert was one of the highlight of classical era. This created job opportunity for the musicians as they no longer need to be an employee of a family or person. Homophony dominated the Classical style. Sonata form was most important throughout the Classical period. Symphonic music like opera became more extroverted in character.
Some musician in this era are Johann Christian Bach, Ledwig van Beethoven, Franz Joseph haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus.
Romantic (1780–1910) eras:
Romanticism implies fantasy, spontaneity and sensuality. Not just opera but Musical story-telling became important. Beethoven was know for igniting the flame of romanticism and maintain the balance. New instruments were included to the orchestra and composers experimented with ways to get new sounds from existing instruments.
Some musician in this era are Johannes Brahms, Claude Debussy, Frederic Chopin, Felix Mendelssohn, Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Classical music is art musicography that took its origin from the classical Latin music including both sacred and secular music.
The significant time segments of classical music up to 1900 are the early music period, which comprises
Medieval Classical Music (500–1400):
It is the largest and most distant period in art history. It covers the Gregorian chant. It is known as monophonic which has only one melodic line without any music. In the 11th century, Polyphony emerged from medieval classical music. It indicates two or more melodic tracks listened at the same time.
Some artist in this era is Hildegard von Bingen, John Dunstable Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.
Baroque Classical Music (1600–1750) :
Baroque music is extremely polished, colorful and well textured due to which opera was emerged. Polyphony prevailed to be significant but homophonic became necessary. A clear distinction between the music line and a subordinate harmony was the chief characteristic of homophonic music.
Some artist in this era is Handel, Johann Pachelbel, Antonio Vivaldi, Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric.