English, asked by yashikarawat48, 4 months ago

Essay on mobile phone boon and bane ​


Answered by sairajghatge411


Everything in life has a dual nature- day and night, good and bad, rich and poor, health and illness. All things in the universe can be a boon (good) or a bane (bad) or in other words, a blessing or a curse. So it is with mobile phones.

Mobile phone usage is growing at a rapid rate. With smartphones, people have access to a variety of information at their fingertips. Today, the world is unimaginable without the omnipresent mobile phones. From the children aged 9 to the elderly aged 90, everyone has a smartphone now.

Before we continue, here are some cold hard facts regarding mobile phones:

56% of the children in the age group of 8-12 have a mobile phone

21% of children aged 8 years use a smartphone

The average age of a child when he/she receive his first mobile phone is 12.

51% of the high school students carry their mobile phone to school every day.

Children under 9 years spent at least 2 hours every day staring at mobile screens.

Are all the above facts for good or is mobile usage going to harm your child in a huge way? It depends on how the smartphone is used.

Mobile Phones: Boon or Bane?

Let’s start with the negatives first.

Mobile Phones: Bane

Everyone knows how harmful mobile phones can be, especially for children.

Mobile phones emit bright blue light which harms the eye of children on prolonged exposure.

Children get addicted to online gaming due to the use of mobile phones

Addiction to social media is the aftermath of mobile phones usage

Children become couch potatoes as they cling on to their mobile phones and lose the opportunity to exercise and remain fit.

Children might be exposed to undesirable content online and it is difficult to monitor what they are doing every second.

Everything is best when used in moderation and this is the case with mobile phones.  Parents and teachers must not ban, but regulate the use of mobile phones at home and at school.

At home, parents must supervise the use of mobile phones and monitor the content of the websites and apps their children are using.  They should also restrict the excessive use of mobile phones by clearly defining at what times they can be used.

During examination time, children must limit time sinks like mobile phones and switch them off or hand them to the parents. At school, the use of mobile phones should be forbidden during class hours so students don’t get distracted. This is already being followed and implemented across many institutions.  

Mobile Phones: Boon

Enough has been said about how mobile phones make children addicted

hope it helps u

Answered by Sly01

Everything in life has a dual nature- day and night, good and bad, rich and poor, health and illness. All things in the universe can be a boon (good) or a bane (bad) or in other words, a blessing or a curse. So it is with mobile phones. ... Today, the world is unimaginable without the omnipresent mobile phones.

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