Essay on Mother .. ❤"
Mother is our goddess.God gave mother because he can't be everywhere.She is the first teacher in our life.She really sacrifies her life for children.She always take care of every member in family.She always think about their children in every secong,everyminute,every hour.She says what is bad and what is good.She always encourage and support her children.Before asking our needs she will fullfil our needs.All children will share their problems with mother than other members in family.When we born she will taught us how to walk,how to behave,how to take care of ourselves.She is the one who always care us and always be with us in any problem.She is the essence of love,truthfullness.She guves everything but never demand anything in return.She is so kind in the world.She even motivates us not to give up anytime.She is a great teacher,great friend,strict parent,well wisher.If i am sad she brings smile on me
I have a quote about my mother
let us know about then now..
"A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take is mother's place."
Love my mom forever...

Firstly , a huge thanks for such a beautiful question.
Mother's love for a child is something that never ends and never dies. A mother is someone who can take the place of many but no one can take take her place. A mother is someone who loves their child unconditionally until her last breath.
A mother is someone who wants her child to grow up to be a happy, healthy, successful adult. She is the symbol of affection, kindness and sacrifice.
Mothers are meant to be the cheerleaders of their kids, sometimes in loud and visible ways, sometimes in sublet . She is often the backbone of families. A mother's love is ' mute , solid and seeped with tenderness.'
- Mother is someone who started loving their child before seeing them.
- Maa , you are the only organized thing in my messy world.
- the mother's heart is only place where children have their home.
I love you Maa so much ..♡