English, asked by aaravsaini0124, 4 months ago

Essay on My Ambition of being a software engineer.

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Answered by Prataya339


check greenOnly available on StudyModeComputer Engineer

Computer Engineer

Topics: Electrical engineering, Engineering, Electronics

Pages: 3 (954 words)

Published: May 27, 2002


Introduction and History

Computer engineering is a very time consuming, challenging job. To be a good computer engineer you need years of experience and collage education. Computer engineers provide information and data processing for certain computer firms and organizations. They conduct research, design computers, and discover and use new principles and ideas of applying computers. I am going to tell you specific facts about the careers of computer engineers like payment, education needed, skills, responsibilities of the job, job outlook, and benefits of the job. Computer engineering started about 5,000 years ago in China when they invented the abacus. The abacus is a manual calculator in which you move beads back and forth on rods to add or subtract. Other inventors of simple computers include Blaise Pascal who came up with the arithmetic machine for his father's work. Also Charles Babbage produced the Analytical Engine, which combined math calculations from one problem and applied it to solve other complex problems. The Analytical Engine is similar to today's computers. Occupation's Duties

A computer engineer has certain duties and responsibilities depending on the location and size of the firm he or she works for. Also the duties vary between job levels. If you work at a small firm, you will be set up on the firing line immediately and will be expected to make your boss money or you'll be fired. Also in a smaller firm you'll probably spend hours of pain-staking time trying to solve a problem that other engineers probably went over before. In larger firms, you'll be hired probably as a junior computer engineer and work your way up to senor and maybe manager of engineers. If you enjoy challenging work and problem solving, your best place to be is in a small firm. If you enjoy problem solving but not to the severe degree as in a small firm, then your place is in a larger

Answered by abhinavraj980161


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The very substance for the ambitious, is merely the shadow of a dream,”

William Shakespeare

Imagine waking up on a Sunday, before the alarm has a chance to sound. As the day goes on, challenges are being thrown, but you seem to overcome them with passion, and never run out of ideas. Now, imagine waking up on a Sunday, full of distaste and annoyance. As the day goes on, frustration levels build up until you reach your breaking point. A world where your career is chosen for you, or you have a job you just seem to hate, is a very real possibility. Students should choose and follow a career based on passion and ambition, not what is expected from others. No one is too young or too old to pursue a career which excites and challenges them. Some …show more content…

For instance, a student dreaming of becoming a politician, could have glossophobia; a fear of public speaking. Another being, the lack of resources they have in order to accomplish their aspirations. Perhaps, someone's family is too poor to afford the education, that is required in order to accomplish their …show more content…

Growing up his parents were not the wealthiest, the only side acception they would make, would be whichever book he would want. In addition, he suffered many health problems as a child; a full body blood transfusion, and a collapsed lung, with the assistance of an incubator. As he grew older, he suffered through bipolar disorder and at one point considered suicide. Despite these disadvantages, he pushed through writing a book called, “The 4-Hour Workweek”, however, before he had a chance to get recognized, his book was rejected 27 times. Finally, he got recognized for his book that soon became, New York's #1 bestseller in 2007. He created two more books following in the firsts success, by earning their titles as New York’s bestseller. He is now working on a business/interview podcast, which now has over 200 million downloads. This proves that despite any situation, you can persevere and accomplish anything you set your mind to.


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