English, asked by thanushri, 1 year ago

essay on "my biggest wish for my country


Answered by ashlee
" India is my motherland. Vandemataram!"

When I grow up I want to become the "Prime minister of India". It sound like an unlikely ambition. Politics is full of treachery , risks , corruption and all, but also it's the only way of serving the country at best.
Lack of proper governance has doomed India, and I swear to change it. As the prime minister I'll work hard to change the face of India. 
My first aim will be to remove poverty. However this won't be through simple subsidies or free food schemes, but through self help programmes, where people can stand for themselves and earn their daily by their own work.

I want to raise India in the global forum as a super power. 
Poor children roam naked, hungry , miserable on the street. It's my dream to see them sleep comfortably in warm shelters.
Ministers get caught in corruption charges and scandals, one day I wish to set an example, so that no minister , no citizen of our country can even bear to think of getting corrupt.
I want to work to make the Indian economy as the most powerful one in the world.

I am ready to die for my country, but more than that I want to live for my country and see it rise towards glory.

Answered by Galaxy
India is my country and I am proud to be a member of this family ( India ). I have many wishes for my country but I would like to mention few of it in just a few words. I would like to see my india as the top country in the world in terms development and as well as education. Every citizen of india must and should get education . People of india must respect each other. Every state ministers or the cabinet ministers must fulfill voter's promises and help in the development of country. Men and women should get equal rights and minimum wages. Every citizen of india must be skilled. I would like to see my India clean and green. Government should give more focus on women's security. Poor children must be educated in the schools and get healthy and nutritious mid day meals in the school. In case of transports , Railways and roads must be developed . Free electricity must be provided in every homes . Atlast , I want my india to look like heaven and get protected from evil hands . This is my hope and the strongest wish for my country. " Jai Hind "
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