English, asked by vjrules7388, 7 months ago

Essay on My experience in Online exam


Answered by yogeshgupta81

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English Language

My Experience With The Internet And Education English Language Essay

2332 words (9 pages) Essay

1st Jan 1970 English Language Reference this

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The Internet. What it has done for me educational and scholastically is nothing short of a miracle. With the recent events of the past three years I couldn’t have possibly even imagined that I could get a college education and a degree in accounting without the use of the Internet. I am old enough to remember life before the World Wide Web. I remember hearing that term in the early days; the World Wide Web. I couldn’t even comprehend what they were talking about. The web; what’s that? Computers in our homes; that can’t be possible? Or could it? It was possible and it did come to pass. And the world has been forever changed because of it.

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