Business Studies, asked by sunderbhiamni, 7 months ago

essay on my journey of arabic language


Answered by tamilzan124


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Answered by nehabhosale454


There are several common Arabic phrases that refer to “Allah”, “The God”. They are:

Alhamdulillah (الحمدلله)- Praise be to God! Or Thanks be to God! This is very commonly heard whenever something good happens as a way to express appreciation to God.

Inshallah (انشالله)- God willing. Or if God wills it. This is always heard and used whenever making plans or talking about a future event of any kind.

Subhan Allah (سبحان الله)- God is perfect. Or glory be to God. This often is used to express wonder at things in nature that are beautiful.

Mashallah (ماشاء الله)- God has willed it. This expresses joy and appreciation for the good gifts given from God.

Bismillah (بسم الله)- In the name of God. This is the opening phrase of the Quran and is often said before eating a meal together.

The vast majority of the Arab world has a strong Islamic heritage, and because of that, acknowledging and honoring God is an import part of their culture, which in turn influences their language. When learning Arabic for the purpose of having relationships with Arab peoples, these phrases will be imperative to know.

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