essay on my pet monster 300 words
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My Pet-
I have a pet dog. We call him Tiger. He is a Golden Retriever breed. I love my dog as he is a very friendly and active dog. Dogs are a faithful companion and they are one of the most loyal pets in the world. Dogs are also capable of guarding the house. Hence, many people own dogs for security purposes. Dogs are a great companion to have at home as they cheer everyone. Scientifically, dogs are proven to improve heart health and keep depression and anxiety at bay. Dogs are also said to keep you fit and active through the day. My dog, Tiger is very jovial and my whole family loves him a lot. I love to play with him as he just takes away all my stress and tiredness. Tiger is three years old. My parents got him home when he was just a month old. Since then, Tiger has become a major part of our lives. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is family. I love his company and I think he loves mine too. After I come back from school, he gets excited to see me and wags his tail in delight. Then, my mother serves lunch to both of us. His favourite meal is chicken and he starts to drool whenever we give him any meat product. We always take care of his dietary requirement and feed him the best dog food available in the market. We also give him milk and water daily. In fact, we keep a bowl of fresh water for him where he can easily reach wherever he is thirsty. I love taking care of Tiger.