essay on nature conservation
Natural resources are those resources that have been made available to us by nature. There is no human intervention in producing these resources. Since centuries man has used these resources to satiate many of his needs. Many of these resources are used directly while others are used indirectly. These resources are used to prepare things that come handy in our lives. From using these natural resources to exploiting every bit of them – man has come a long way. We need to conserve the natural resources so that our future generations can also use them to make their life comfortable.
Types of Natural Resources
There are basically two types of natural resources. These are renewable natural resources and non-renewable natural resources. Renewable natural resources are those resources that can be renewed naturally for example air, water, sunlight, wood, soil, etc. These are further divided into two categories – those natural resources that can be renewed easily and those that take time to replenish. Wood and soil fall in the second category.
Non Renewable resources are those resources that cannot be recycled or renewed. While some of these are available in abundance in the nature, others are limited. Some of the examples of non renewable resources include minerals, natural gases and metals. Non-renewable resources are used for various purposes and are getting depleted at a fast rate. Since these cannot be renewed these would disappear from the surface of Earth in the coming times as we are exploiting them badly.
Why Conserve Natural Resources?
We need to conserve and protect both renewable as well as non-renewable natural resources. This is because these natural resources are limited. These are the reason we are surviving on this planet and are leading a comfortable life. If we continue to deplete them at this rate, our survival on Earth will become extremely difficult.
The importance of conserving the natural resources has been emphasized time and again. However, we still continue to use these carelessly. It is important for us to take this issue seriously and stop unnecessary wastage of these precious resources. We must understand that our carelessness can affect the future generations adversely. They will have to face a lot of hardships if we do not conserve natural resources for their use.
How to Conserve Natural Resources?
There are many ways in which natural resources can be saved. Following simple practices can help in creating a big difference.
In order to conserve natural resources, we must first remind ourselves about the need to do so. We have grown so accustomed to using various things in our day to day life that we do not realise that in doing so we are consuming a good amount of natural resources. There are many times when we can do without using these things however we continue to use them blindly without realising how we are contributing towards our own extinction.
From the electricity we consume to the water we use, from the fuel we use in our vehicles to the paper we use to write, everything is derived directly or indirectly from the natural resources. Simple things such as turning off the lights before leaving the room, unplugging the electrical appliances when they are not in use, avoiding printing of paper and using the e-copies wherever you can, loading the washing machine fully while washing the clothes and using bucket instead of shower or pipes while bathing and washing cars can help in conserving natural resources.
It is important for us to realise that out natural resources are limited. We must plan and use these wisely so that these are not wasted. This will help in conserving them for our future generations. Every person must take it as his responsibility to use the natural resources cautiously and contribute towards conserving them.
Conservation of Nature
Aldo Leopold wisely remarks, “Conservation is a state of
harmony between man and environment." Conservation is not an option; it is
the only direst necessity. Without it, man may jeopardize his own survival. Our
nature is not only precious, but it is invaluable also! Man has been so much
engrossed in his progress and prosperity; he does not have time to see the
irreparable damage that he is doing to the health of planet earth.
The present rate at which the natural resources are being
used is quite alarming. The rate of consumption is faster than the rate of
their natural replenishment. If the rate of consumption is not reduced, soon
all the natural resources will be used up. There won't be left anything for the
coming generations. Now the question arises; "Are we to leave a scorched
planet to the coming generations?" We will be called highly selfish
generation, if we don't leave any natural resources for the future generations.
We need to put our acts together. We must follow the principles of sustainable
development. We must allow nature to replenish its resources.
Forests are the lungs of our planet earth, without forests
our earth will be as barren as hell. Most of the world oxygen that the animal species including man inhale
is produced in the forests of nature. Most of the world’s species of plants,
animals and insects live in the tropical rainforests. They are
important to the environment as they recycle water and control levels of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere through photosynthesis. They are the world's full-time
generators and purifiers of air and water. Their cutting will disturb the
natural water cycles which will lead to the shortage of fresh-water in the
water reserves of the world.
Let's cooperate with
nature to allow us to continue living in abundance. Let's not be selfish and
avaricious. After all it is our responsibility to bequeath a healthy and
prosperous planet. Being parents it is our moral responsibility. Let's take
care of our planet and use the natural resources wisely and frugally! Man
cannot create like God; however, man can conserve what he has received from