Essay on new rule I want to make
I would immediately order the execution of all previous leaders and possible future leaders in the short term (1-5 years).
I would then have every military organization take new oaths to protect me, my position in power, and my imperial rule. I would also hire as many militant or extreme athiests as possible to wipe out religious institutions around the world with two exceptions.
1. Islam so I will avoid their extremist groups for now and ensure they will have reason to support my rule for sparing them.
2. Judiasm so I have a group to blame as scapegoat for the horrors I have commited.
Once I've dealt with the disloyal militaries and established direct rule over religious institutions I will 'convert' non-Islamic people to judiasm and if that fails, send them to reeducation camps to either turn them loyal or 'remove' them.
At this point I would require all religious texts be given to me for safekeeping and then release 'Important news' to the world an hour later that gives a detailed reason why my rise to power is all the jews fault and that they should be executed on sight.
I then use nuclear weaponry against the major Islamic population centers and places of religious importance before declaring war on the muslim faith, after my military has destroyed them with heavy casualties I will raise up a new religion based around my(and only mine) immortal soul.
At this point the world will be in ruins and all opposition to my rule will be
gone. I will order the construction of a massive self-sufficient generation ship to be made and once it's finished I will take samples from every survivor and leave.
I then give my final order to set off every nuclear bomb on the planet after I lift off.