essay on nothing is impossible
The word ‘impossible’ itself spells, ‘I’m possible’. Napoleon Bonaparte once remarked, “That the word ‘impossible’ is found only in the dictionary of fools”. In this world, everything is possible on the basis of will power, dogged determination and sacrifice.
To accomplish the most difficult tasks, you need to put in a lot of hard work, extra perseverance and concentration on a single objective. You should have patience and faith in yourself. You should have determination, dedication and devotion to attain success. Never bother about the results. Keep on going even if the pace is slow. Just ensure it remains steady.
You are bound to face obstacles en route to success, but with courage and perseverance, you can master them. Your positive attitude and clear frame of mind determine your future. In this world, there is no such thing as CHANGE. By your own ideas, will and ability, you can create a number of chances, circumstances and the desired atmosphere to achieve the toughest goal.
Great minds have purposes, whereas others simply have wishes. Little minds are tamed and subdued by seeming setbacks, but great minds rise above them and fight their way to victory. Always and never are a fighter and never a quitter.
To attain your desired goal, you have to laugh at your trouble and have to forget it. When you laugh at your trouble, you will find it to be a mere bubble, which is swiftly blown away. To gather the fruit, to register victory, to score success, you require unwavering faith in yourself.
Faith, works like miracle. It looks beyond all boundaries, transcends all limitations, conquers all obstacles and carries you to your goal. Therefore have faith, take courage and march ahead, onward and upward, till you attain the goal.
Nothing is achieved without great enthusiasm and effort. Enthusiasm puts a sparkle in your eyes, a lilt in your steps. If often makes you perform, extraordinary feats in very ordinary situations
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